How to become a TWB Verified Translator?

:exclamation: This process is no longer active. We are keeping the thread visible for reference only.

TWB Verified Translator: What does it mean?
All TWB Translators can become Verified. Being a TWB Verified Translator means having access to more tasks, which also means more opportunities to find projects that match your interest and schedule.

How can I become a TWB Verified Translator?

  1. Deliver good quality translations on the TWB Platform :star2:

If you consistently deliver high-quality translations on our platform, we will upgrade your level to TWB Verified Translator, based on reviews you received of your work :white_check_mark: Our general criteria state that to become verified, translators should receive approximately 6 task reviews, with an average mark of 3.5 or above (out of 5).

:memo: After you complete a task on the TWB Platform it will be revised by another translator. Their task is to flag and correct any potential errors. After they complete the revision, they are asked to give quality scores to the translation and provide written feedback.

:mag_right: If you want to view the score you received for a particular task or if you received any written feedback, you can learn where to find it in this thread.
:100: You can find the average score you received in reviews in your profile.

To find out more about Quality at Translators without Borders and how other verified translators can leave constructive feedback and quality scores for your translations, check out our Quality section.

  1. You can also become a verified translator if you have certifications from any of the associations or organizations below:
  • American Translators Association (ATA) - ATA Certified

  • Arab Professional Translators Society (APTS) - Certified Translator, Certified Translator/Interpreter or Certified Associate

  • Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO) - Certified Translators or Candidates

  • Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters of Manitoba (ATIM) - Certified Translators

  • Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters (ABRATES) - Accredited Translators (Credenciado)

  • Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) - Member, Fellow, Chartered Linguist, or DipTrans IOL Certificate holder

  • China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters (CATTI) - Senior Translators or Level 1 Translators

  • Egyptian Translators and Linguists Association (ETLA) - Members

  • Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association (ITIA) - Professional Member

  • Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) - ITI Assessed

  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) - Certified Translator or Advanced Certified Translator

  • Nigerian Institute of Translators and Interpreters (NITI) - Full Members

  • New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) - Full Members

  • ProZ Certified PRO members

  • Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC) - Certified Translators or Associate Members

  • South African Translators’ Institute (SATI) - Accredited Translators or Sworn Translators

  • UNIVERSITAS Austria Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association - Certified Members

If you hold any of these certifications, please upload the certificate in your profile and/or contact us at providing us with proof of your certification. We will change your level to verified accordingly.

:rotating_light: Remember that when translators register to work with TWB, they also agree to the Translator Code of Conduct and commit to deliver the highest standard of professional translations.

Thank you for your interest and support! :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, I have a question concerning the verification test. I sat for the verification test a week ago and I wanted to ask whether I would receive a feedback to my translation?


Hi @Mariem_Kh,
thank you for reaching out. I moved your question to this existing thread. I am sure you will receive your feedback. Anyway staff members will reply after the we.
Have a nice Saturday!


Hi @Mariem_Kh :wave:

Thanks for reaching out and for taking the test!

It can take up to 4 weeks for us to receive the results, but once we do we’ll be in touch!

In the meantime, you still have access to tasks available to non-verified translators in your language pairs :smiley:

Thank you @faretto5 for moving the post to this thread and for pinning us :raised_hands:


Thank you :slight_smile:
I appreciate your help


Hi, there! I would like to become verified ASAP but only 1 out of my 4 completed tasks has been reviewed. How can I require a review for the rest of them? Thank you!


Hi @erika.kadlcikova, thanks for reaching out to us, this is a very good question :slight_smile:

At the minute, leaving a review is not mandatory, but we are very much encouraging our translators to leave feedback after they review a task. I am sure that you’ll receive other reviews soon and you’ll be able to become verified :four_leaf_clover:

However, please note that you still have access to most tasks in your language combinations even if you are not verified yet :wink:

I hope this helps, but let us know if you have any other questions :tulip:


Yes, I hope the other tasks get reviewed as well because it should not take more than a minute or two to provide the star rating, just like we, translators, are asked to do at the end of our tasks. Thanks for a speedy reply! :slight_smile:


Absolutely @erika.kadlcikova, :100:! Thank you again for your understanding and support :hugs:


Hi! I took the test to become a verified translator a month ago, and I would like to know when I will receive the results.
Thank you very much for everything you do and have a nice week :slight_smile:


Hi @Mariangelesm thanks a lot for your message :blush:

Unfortunately, we have a large backlog with the tests in your language pair, so it’s taking up to 8 weeks to receive the results. However, we are working on it and we’ll be sure to contact you as soon as the results are in :four_leaf_clover:

In the meantime, please remember that you can still access most tasks in your language pair :star2:

Thank you for your patience and support, Mariángeles! :pray: :tulip:


Thank you, @Silvia_Mauri for your answer! I’ll wait, and I’ll continue looking for tasks to take :blush:
Have a good day!


Hi there,
I did my verification test about 2 months ago and still havent heard anything- please advise! Thanks!

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Hi @davidwilshin!

Thanks for reaching out and following up on your test. Unfortunately, we don’t have the results of your test just yet.

We have a backlog of tests in your language pair, so it’s taking longer than expected to get through them. But we haven’t forgotten about your test and once we have the results, we’ll be in touch :smiley:

In the meantime, you will have access to tasks available to non-verified translators in your language pairs!

Thank you for your patience and understanding, David :pray:

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@ambra If we have completed the score 3.5 can we ask to upgrade our status to verified.

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Hi @bilalwali5 :wave:

Thanks for reaching out!

We have indeed changed our verification system so that translators can be verified based on the reviews of their translations :smiley:

Once translators have several positive reviews on their translations, we will consider verifying them!


So, if I haven’t translated anything yet, I can’t become a verified translator?

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Hi @Mariangelesm

Thank you for reaching out!

Yes, we have changed our verification system to remove the tests! Translators can now become verified once they have received multiple positive reviews on their translations :smiley:

However, we are working through the pending tests. I can see you previously took a test, so please don’t worry because we are working through the backlog of tests!


Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:, and also thank you for your commitment!