How to run QA (Quality Assurance) checks in Phrase TMS

Quality Assurance (QA) is a feature included in Phrase TMS, our translation tool.
It helps ensure overall translation quality and consistency. It automatically finds potential errors in the translations by comparing source and target segments, checking the term base entries, spelling, tags, etc. Find out more in this thread.

:question:I finished translating all segments and I can’t complete and deliver my task. Why?:thinking:

If you aren’t able to complete and deliver a task that you are working on, it might be because QA hasn’t been completed. If set by a TWB project manager, final QA checks may be mandatory.

Once you finish working on all segments and run the QA, QA warnings for segments with potential problems are shown in the Quality Assurance pane (QA) in the Phrase TMS Editor.

:warning: QA errors must be resolved before the task can be set as completed. :white_check_mark:


:arrow_right: Follow the instructions below to run the QA before you can complete a task. :arrow_left:

1. Click on QA in the right-side panel (highlighted in the screenshot below) to open the QA panel.

2. Then, Click on Run all checks, or click on Tools in the top bar and click on Run Job QA. :rocket:
Tip: You may also click on the arrow and run specific checks separately.

3. After you run the QA, a list of potential QA errors will appear on the right. You need to make sure all issues are either:

  • Fixed by modifying the specific segment.
  • Ignored by clicking on the eye icon on the rightmost column.

Click on each QA warning in the list on the right side of the screen to check it and decide what you should do. For example, you might get QA warnings for spelling issues, as shown in the screenshot above.

4. Another very common and important warning is “Missing Term”.

In these cases, select the “Missing Term” issue in the list to automatically go to the relevant segment, and then click on the cat icon at the top of the menu on the right to go back to the CAT pane (read more about the CAT pane here). You will see the original term from the Term Base that you need to use (highlighted in the screenshot below). Please make any necessary changes to the target segments so as to resolve the QA issue. :memo:

5. You can proceed in the same way for each QA warning shown in the list in the QA pane. Select the error to check the relevant segment and make any necessary corrections. :ballot_box_with_check:

6. If you don’t think that a QA warning represents an actual mistake in the translation, you can mark it as ignored, to proceed without making any unnecessary corrections. Select it in the list in the QA pane, click on the corresponding eye icon in the column “Ignore” on the right. Take a look at the screenshot below.

:warning: You can also ignore multiple QA warnings at the same time, if necessary. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while selecting as a group, or hold the CTRL key for individual lines.

7. Once you have either resolved or marked as ignored all the QA warnings in the list, the Complete button should become active on the top right corner of your screen, and you should be able to submit the task following this tutorial.

If you still can’t seem to be able to complete your task, please reach out to the project manager and provide them with all relevant information. We’ll be happy to assist you.

You can learn more about running QA checks in Phrase TMS in the Phrase TMS Help Center here.


Hello, everyone! Thanks for reading my post!

I am just about to finish my first translating project for TWB. Besides being my first time using Memsource, it’s also the first time I ever use a CAT tool. I have a few things to confirm before I turn in the project, and the deadline is next Friday (August 20th).

First off, I understood from the Memsource introductory video that, once I opened a project, I would have a pre-translated text in the target column, then I would basically read through it and correct/rewrite as needed. However, when I opened this project, it was pretty much a clean slate: the entire target column was empty, there is no match column, and there were very few and specific terms from the term base. Is this normal, or should I expect at least part of the text to have a preview on the target column?

My second question is about QA and the TB terms: when I run QA, most of the issues are about missing terms, but these terms are actually inflections of the suggested terms (e.g. plural, gender), and are not recognized by the TB. There are also some expressions in the original language, such as lock down, which I chose to keep because they have been adopted and widely used in Brazilian Portuguese, specially during the pandemic. I tried to add these expressions to the term base, but I get an error message that there is no term base assigned to my task. Is it ok if I just ignore these issues and confirm the segments, even when I know these are not actual mistakes?


Hi, @cabralraf!

Congratulations! :partying_face:

Yes. Sometimes we don’t have a termbase or TM.

Yes, but remember to mark all issues as ignored. To do this just click on the corresponding square in the column on the right, under the letter i.

I forgot to do this on earlier tasks. :sob:

It’s also a good practice to complete the Kató Pre-Delivery Checklist. Log in to TWB Kató, go to Claimed Tasks > Kató Pre-Delivery Checklist.

If you have any issues completing a task in Memsource, you can see this post.

This one is also good.

Happy reviewing!


Hi, Paulo! Thank you so much for your aid!

That’s exactly what I did: I clicked on the ignore checkbox for the issues that I knew were not proper, so there were no problems with QA once that was dealt with.

Regarding the lock down expression, I decided to simply replace it by a close correspondant in the target language, as it has begun to be widely used only recently - in other words, during the pandemic.

So now I await for the review, and for further tasks. Again, thank you very much for your attention!


Hi @cabralraf, thanks a lot for your message and sorry for the late reply! I moved it here under this already existing thread :slight_smile:

Above, you can read more detailed information on how to go through a QA check, with directions on how to deal with false errors, even if I see that now you’ve already successfully submitted your task, well done! :tada:

Thank you so much for your support, and thank you @PauloRibeiro for sharing your precious tips! :star2:


Hello !
I have just completed a couple of review tasks to Hindi, but to my utter shock, when I opened to see my output task done, I could see lot of mixed font sizes and styles, I am in a complete depression looking at all my effort in vain. why does this happen and what should be done to avoid this. Certain translation sentences had to be rechecked on other cat tools to get the apt comprehension of the text. The QA though was run for spellings or trailing punctuations, it actually didn’t appear so on the columns of target language, hence it was ignored finding it ok.
I apologise if it appears the same to you, but believe me I actually did not know it would appear like this.
Please help.


Hi @pariikaur68 and I’m sorry about the frustration you felt :worried:

The project manager replied to you in this thread, kindly refer to it :sunflower:

1 Like

Yes :+1: Thanks
Hope to get a better experience dear😇


after running QA and fixing everything, the complete button in still not activated, and when i rerun QA i get same issues i already fixed, or that some MT word is not the same in the segment. In arabic translation sometimes differ in meaning, whether it’s singular or plural, and so on. in the end i unselected the QA criteria and rerun it then got the activated complete button. but it took me more than an hour rerunning QA over and over before i did that