The Translator badge on the TWB Platform

TWB has added a new feature on the TWB Platform: the Translator badge! :tada: You can find it in your profile (simply click on Profile in the upper bar in the TWB Platform).

The badge will show the sum of the word counts of all of the tasks you completed across both TWB Platform and the TWB Workspace (if any).

The Translator badge on the TWB Platform updates every day at 9 GMT. :clock9: This means that it can take up to 24 hours for your badge to be up to date with the last task you submitted. If you see that your badge is not showing the correct word count for the tasks you completed on the TWB Platform and the TWB Workspace, please email us at :envelope_with_arrow:

You can embed the live badge in other webpages or platforms. For example, if you are using Chrome, you can right click on the badge image and click on “Copy Image Address”. You may want to paste that URL into a HTML page using a code such as:- <img src="..." width="286px" />, replacing … with the URL to the badge you copied. This will copy the URL of the picture. This picture is not dynamic and you will have to repeat the procedure every now and then to keep your embedded badge up to date.

:sparkles: Important: when we have to credit a translator as part of our Recognition Program we always consider the total word counts, and keep into account the words produced both on the Workspace and the TWB Platform.


Very good. I find it.


This is great news @ambra :heart_eyes: thank you so much for this!

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It’s great, @ambra. Are there still plans for a combined badge?

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Hello Juan, yes we are! Our ultimate goal is to provide a badge that includes the wordcount completed in both platforms. Thank you for your patience while we work on making this happen


Hi, I have completed a few tasks over the past couple weeks, but my word count still says zero. I’d love to know how many words I’ve donated :smiley:

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I have the same problem as above! Thank you in advance!

Hi @kristydf and @A.Kukharchuk, thank you for reaching out! We’ve had several translators report the same problem. Our tech team is looking into it this week and we hope to have the badges updated within the next several days! :slight_smile:


Hi again @kristydf and @A.Kukharchuk! It looks like our tech team has fixed the word count issue and your badges should display the correct amount now :sparkles:


Hi, My word count has not appeared on my profile for two days or more, as shown in this picture below:

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Hi Samah, thank you for your message. We are aware of this issue and our tech team is working to fix it. Thank you for your patience!


Has anyone added his or her badge to a Proz profile? Can a pic be shown to be able to learn exactly where?


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Hi Jose, there is a way of adding the KP badge to your ProZ profile.

If you are using Chrome, you can right-click on the badge image and click on “Copy Image Address”. You may want to paste that URL into a HTML page using a code such as:- <img src="..." width="286px" /> , replacing … with the URL to the badge you copied. This will copy the URL of the dynamic picture, that will update automatically every time your word count increases.

You can then paste it into the bio field on your ProZ account.


Hi there, could I get a bit of help?
A few days ago I completed a task that was about 2500 words. However, in my complete task list, it appears as if the word count was only 1 word, not sure why.

Could someone have a look and correct it so that my translator badge reflects the correct amount?

Many thanks.
The project was: ACAPS Analysis Canvas


Hi @Anadiazmo :slight_smile: thanks for flagging this!
I see what you mean, in your Claimed Tasks it says that the word count for ACAPS Analysis Canvas is 1 word, while the text is actually far longer than that.
@Georgios do you know what could have happened? Let me know if you’d like to credit Ana with the word count by creating a dummy task.

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Hello @Anadiazmo and thank you for flagging this. This was a KatĂł glitch but I have now updated the word count of the task you worked on (to 2,444 words). Your profile should be up to date by tomorrow end of the day. If not, please feel free to reach out to me.

Have a nice day!



Thank you so much for your help and for sorting it so quickly, Georgios and @_carolina.

Have a great day!



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Hi, My word count has not appeared on my profile right now, it turns back “0 words donated”, as shown in this picture below:

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