Unable to mark the task as complete

Hi @Chris_A,

Yes, this time I managed the problem using “er”, because the problem was with the high “th” in english that we don’t have in french. :slight_smile:
Hope it doesn’t happen with other numbers because there isn’t something similar to the “th”. :c
Kind regards,

Maria Grazia

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Please help! I have the same issue in both my 2 tasks. If anyone have time, do you mind help me mark complete with them? Thank you :pray::pray::pray:

It seems very strange that there are many of us who cannot get the work marked as completed.

Hello @woodwarblerdk,

Thank you for working on this task,

Let’s tag @GiuliaG, the project manager, to look into this and help you accordingly.

We thank you once again for the work that you are doing to support us!

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Dear @woodwarblerdk ,
Thank you for your message and for your help with our projects!

A couple of months ago we implemented additional quality measures, which mainly entail running the PhraseQA functionality. If the QA is not run, it won’t be possible to mark the task as Complete. Unfortunately, sometimes the QA flags issues that are not real or do not depend on the translation itself - for example, if the document has some tag issues.
I know this is very frustrating and we are looking for a solution. In the meantime, if you are unable to complete a task even though you have run the QA, please reach out to me or send a message in the forum so we can mark it as Complete for you.
Thank you again :slight_smile:

Hello there, I got a problem with the “completed” task again. I tried to do all things following your instruction, but it did not work. Please help me to transfer my task status (this is the name of my task: 16 Finance_Debt Holds You Back_Lesson.docx. Thank you in advance.

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Dear @phuong.hlu99 ,
Thank you for helping us with this project and for reaching out :slight_smile:
I have now marked the as Complete on your behalf.
All the best,

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