Unable to mark the task as complete

Unable to mark the task as complete.

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I have the same trouble :(. Hope to find some one can help

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Dear @Tan , thank you so much for reaching out to us!
I have sent you an email about this issue - the problem was that some segments were not marked as confirmed. Please feel free to let me know here or by responding to my email if you have further questions :slight_smile:
And many thanks again for helping us with your translation skills!

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Dear @phuong.hlu99 , thank you so much for letting us know and sorry about the inconvenience!

I had a look at your case and the issue is that the segments are not marked as confirmed.
Once you are happy with your translation of a segment, please click on the circle to the right and it will become green. Alternatively, once the whole translation is done, you can confirm all the segments in one go: use Ctrl+Shift+A to select all, then Ctrl+Enter to confirm them.
In addition to that, please make sure that you run the Phrase QA functionality as sometimes it flags some issues which prevent the task from being marked as completed.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns, and thank you so much for helping us with this project :slight_smile:


Hello, I have claimed the second task that have the same trouble with completed button. But this time I did all things you had instructed me and then it did not work. I have not completed my task yet :(. Please help me to handle this issue. Thanks in advance.

Dear @phuong.hlu99 , thank you so much for reaching out and for claiming another task :slight_smile:
I had a look and unfortunately the Phrase QA functionality was flagging some tag issues related to the source file. I have now marked the task Complete on your behalf.
Thank you once more!
All the best,

Just in case this helps someone else in the future: I had the same issue when marking a task (for which I had already performed the QA check) as completed.
Sometimes, refreshing the page and running the QA check again is enough to mark it as Completed. Or using the “Complete job” button twice. Of course, always making sure you have marked all segments as confirmed, as Giulia mentioned above.


Unfortunately, I am having the same issue with two projects. Confirmed all the segments, ran the QA check twice, refreshed the page. Nothing works. Can anyone please mark the jobs as complete on my behalf?


Hello @Stanislava! Get in touch with your task’s Project Manager through e-mail or under the corresponding thread in the Projects category. You can ask them to mark the job as completed for you.

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Hello @Stanislava,

Have you been able to submit the tasks? Do you still need help?

Hello Chris!

The tasks were submitted almost immediately after I posted the message.

A big ‘thank you’ to whoever helped :slight_smile:

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Oh dear, I always get troubles with ““completed”” button. Please help me to change these tasks status. I have already done every tasks I claimed. Thanks in advance.

Hello @phuong.hlu99,

Which task exactly do you need help with?

Welcome to TWB, we are glad you decided to join us!

Hello, can you also help me to mark the task as complete for “1 [FINAL] DUO - Translation Guide Template (1).docx”? Thank you.

Hello, @Nanda_Untari, welcome to the forum! Some projects require running a mandatory QA check. You can find information on how to perform one here.
Once all segments have been confirmed and all QA check errors either corrected or ignored (if applicable), you should be able to complete the task!

If you are still experiencing issues, you can contact your project manager by email (should see the address in the project information) or tagging them here.

Hope this helps! Have a nice week :blossom:


Hello, I have marked all the segments, run the QA, finish the QA, and checked all of the boxes. can you help me to mark the task as complete for “1 [FINAL] DUO - Translation Guide Template (1).docx”? I have finished this since yesterday and just needed to submit. Please help as I am unable to and the deadline is in a few hours.

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Hello! Sadly, I don’t know who your project manager is, or else I could tag them for you.

You can contact them by commenting on the task’s thread in the forum (it should have a “Discuss this task with the community” button leading you there), or by email (you can find their address by clicking on the project).

Let them know which task you’re experiencing issues with and they can mark it as completed for you!

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Hello @Nanda_Untari,

Thank you so much for working on this task.

Let’s tag @GiuliaG, the project manager, so she may assist you with marking the task as complete.

We thank you once again for the work that you are doing in supporting us!


Hi! I’m having the same issue with a task I claimed. All the segments are confermed but there is a “Tags and formatting error” even if everithing is fine. How can I solve it?

Thank You so much.

Kind regards,

Maria Grazia

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Hello @TWB_mg.tartaro96_232391,

Thank you so much for working on this task.

Have you now been able to resolve this issue?

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