How to become a TWB Verified Translator?

Hi @Isabel and thank you for reaching out!

When we verify translators, we update their level in their profiles, you can check your profile to see that you became verified in the language pair English to Spanish :innocent:

Please let me know if you have any questions :dizzy:



I’ve completed 10 translations tasks (totalling over 11000 words) over the past few weeks but I can’t see any reviews yet. Becoming a verified translator would be good but that’s not the primary goal, what I would really like is to know how well/bad I did on these translations. How can I see whether a task has been reviewed but hasn’t been rated yet/won’t be rated at all?

Thank you!


Hello @Aya.Alrifai,

Could you or someone else answer my question please?

Thank you,


Hi @nicolas8889 :wave:

Firstly, thank you for caring about the quality of your work, this is much appreciated :star2:

I’m sorry that you haven’t recieved any feedback on your translation tasks yet :confused: we do encourage our volunteers to leave feedback when completing revision tasks, but as you may know, this is not mandatory, that’s why it’s not always left.

On the other hand, when the revision of a translation task is submitted (which can be a few days after submitting the translation), you’ll be able to “Download the complete revised version”, so even when no feedback in the “Task reviews” is left, seeing the revised version can still be helpful to know if any changes/improvements were applied to the translation, and it may give you an idea on how well you’ve done.

I really hope this helps! Please let me know if any further assitance is needed :dizzy:

Hi @Aya.Alrifai,

Thank you for your message.
Sadly, it really feels like the status of verified translator is a “private turf”, which is a shame in such a beautiful community.
I think the reviews should be made mandatory, they would help everyone grow and with great power comes great responsibility

Thank you,

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Hi @nicolas8889 and apologies for not noticing your post earlier, and I’m sorry if this causes you any frustration :worried: I do agree with you about the importance of leaving feedback on translation tasks, but we really can’t tell if making this mandatory is applicable.

What’s important to know is that we always look for practical solutions in this regard; we’re currently trying to make more tasks available for non-verified translators, and we’re following up internally with the quality of their translation even when no feedback is left. This is for helping our translators reach the verification level faster, and who knows, you may be our next verified translator in the near future! :star2:

Also, if you submit more tasks and find them revised with no reviews left, please let me know, I’ll be happy to help you by requesting feedback from the revisers :innocent:

If there’s anything we can do to support you, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help :innocent:

I don’t seem to be getting feedback scores on my translations. Is there a way to let the reviser know that you’d like them to fill out the feedback form? Or, what do you recommend I do?
All the best,


Hi @jasikreutzer Thank you for caring about receiving feedback!

I checked the revision status for the tasks you translated and I saw that some of them are still in progress. When the revision of any task is complete, you can download the revised version to see the changes made, if any, and check the task reviews. Kindly refer to the relevant buttons in the task description as you can see in the example below :arrow_down:

As for the feedback, we always encourage our revisers to leave feedback on the translation work. But as you may know, this is not mandatory, so you won’t always receive it :confused: However, if you submit more tasks and find them revised with no reviews left, please let me know, I may be able to follow up and request feedback from the revisers :innocent:

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out :dizzy:



I took a Spanish test about a year ago. I know the system has changed since then, but I was wondering what happened with my test? Did anyone ever review it?

Thank you for your time!


Hi @andreea.pop212 and thank you for reaching out!

We’ll send you an email soon for more information on the test :innocent:

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Thank you for the reply! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi all, I was just doing some reading on this community and I was wondering what test you were talking about in the messages from this conversation. @Aya.Alrifai could you please bring some light to this issue for me?
warmest regards from Barcelona

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Hi @frenchorely :dizzy:

As you rightly said, we used to have an option to take a translation test to verify translators. However, this is no longer applicable because we believe that it’s no longer sustainable for the size of our community.

The other alternative ways for verification are: submitting a certificate from the list here, or receiving multiple positive feedback on translation tasks.

In all cases, we are gradually moving away from the verification distinction that is a way to give more access to tasks. These days, most of the tasks are available to all volunteers, in spite of their verification level.

I hope this helps :blush:

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Hi dear @Aya.Alrifai
thanks for your constant efforts in giving me detailled answers :slight_smile:
Warm regards

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Hi @faretto5 , I completed my first task and I’m trying to figure out if anyone left positive feedback on my translation. Can you walk me through it? I’m new. Thanks!

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Hi @PPB2022,

Here are a few steps, you can go to (Claimed Tasks) on your account page and select (Complete) in the (Task Status) menu. There you will see the orange button :orange_square: (Task Review) so you can find and check the feedback for each task you’ve completed.

But remember that leaving feedback on translation tasks is not obligatory, so you will find so many translation tasks had been reviewed without any feedback, but you are always welcome to download the Revised version for each task you’ve completed :white_check_mark:

Hope this is helpful! :blush:

Best regards. Lilav.


Hi Pablo,

Thanks for working on the task and caring about receiving feedback!

I checked the revision status for the task you translated and I saw that it’s still in progress. As our amazing Lilav mentioned, when the revision is complete, you will be able to download the revised version to see the changes made, if any, and check the task reviews, if left. Kindly refer to the relevant buttons in the task description as you can see in the example below :arrow_down:

Let us know if you need any further assistance :innocent:


how I do to become verified translator

Hi Imen, you can find the information you need to know about verification here :blush:

Hello there! I have completed 18 tasks (23,756 words) and got feedback scores on 5 of them. Is this enough to become a verified translator? I read above that feedback is needed for “approximately 6”. Many thanks for your help :blush: