Transperfect is kindly offering to the TWB community the chance to take a one-hour online training course and webinars in Machine Translation (MT) Post-Editing.
The training course aims to train language professionals in this area and covers how MT works, typical MT errors, and post-editing techniques. It will take approximately 1 hour to complete it, and it is entirely in English. You can complete it at your own pace.
The webinar, also focused on Machine Translation Post-Editing, will be held in mid-January and will be offered in French and Spanish, on the following days.
In French, on Tuesday 14 January 3pm CET (9am ET)
In Spanish on Thursday 16 January 6pm CET (12pm ET)
If you are interested and would like to attend the webinars or the training, please fill out this form to receive more information.
On the day of the course, I was unable to participate, because when I found out a week had passed, I even wrote to see if I would have another webnar. I wonder if you could send me the recordings. Thank you for your attention.
Good day Ambra,
It seems that I am late for this course and unable to participate. Would you kindly send me the course’s information? It would be pretty much of a help indeed!
Thank you very much,
Hi @ambra,
If still possible, could you send to me a Spanish version of the webinar?
I didn’t see the announcement. Doing many things at the same time at home and in the web sometimes I keep lost.
Many thanks in advance.
All my best,
I have just joined TWB community, still learning how it works. It seems the webinar could help me. Could you send the Spanish version, please?
Thank you!
Hi @ambra, thanks for this, it looks really interesting since I’m working a lot with MT at the moment. Is there any way you could send me the recorded version in Spanish at