Review Tasks


I claimed my first review task. So, I would like to know if the procedure is the same, or similar, to the translation. Corrections, if any, are made and confirmed within the segments themselves. At the end of the review, click on the “Complete” button and make the delivery. That’s it?


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Good evening, dear @Lucia_Falcao :blush:
that is correct. :slight_smile:

Make sure to double-check your changes too by making a final QA check before completing the task. :blush: It can help detecting little things that we otherwise don’t even see (trailing punctuation etc.).

Have fun with the revision, and have a nice evening! :blush: :blush:


Hi @Lucia_Falcao

I can confirm what the kind @Ludovica92 has said!

You can access and open the task in the same way that you open and access a translation task. The only difference is that you are making any corrections or edits to the translation that you think are necessary :smiley:

Make sure you mark each segment as complete and run a final QA check before completing the task!

Once you’ve completed the revision, we strongly encourage revisers to leave a score and constructive feedback on the translation! You can do so by following the instructions in this thread :star_struck:

This feedback is really valuable because it helps translators improve and understand why you have changed parts of their translation!

If you want to read more about the translation quality at TWB and how to leave constructive feedback, then check out this section on the TWB Community!

Thanks for your support to the project, Lucia :star2:



I´ll follow the guidelines, for sure.

Thank you so much for your answer. :blush:



I´ll follow the guidelines, for sure.

Thank you so much for your answer. :blush:



I’ve just completed my first review using Memsource.
Although the Task Claimed has disappeared before I’ve been able to leave a score and feedback on the Translation?! :confused:
How should I proceed for next time?

Many thanks,


Hi @Papattesdepied

You can follow the instructions on this thread to leave reviews on Memsource :smiley:

Thank you in advance for any reviews and scores you leave! It’s really appreciated :star_struck:

Brilliant. Thanks Charlotte for your quick response :slight_smile:

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I have claimed a revision task, but I don’t see the start button for it so that I can start revising. I have attached a screenshot of what I’m seeing.
Thank you

Hi @alikanaan675

The translation hasn’t been completed yet by the linguist working on it, but once it is ready to be revised you’ll receive an email inviting you to review the translation :email:

Thanks for your patience on this, Ali :pray: