INEE translation - Queries

Hi team. This would be a thread for me to collect all of your queries in order to send them, twice a week and in a bulk, to the experts, so they don’t get overwhelmed and we make sure not to ask the same thing twice!


So far I have received the following ones:

  • Center equity in EiE= أولوية الإنصاف في التعليم في حالات الطوارئ
  • UNHCR = مفوضية الأمم المتحدة للاجئين
  • Save the Children = أنقذوا الأطفال (ref:
  • Community participation = المشاركة المجتمعية
  • foundational standards = المعايير التأسيسيّة
  • advocacy = abogacía e indicencia política (typo) + suggestion to use “apoyo”
  • standards = estándares

If you have any other query please let me know by tomorrow, 9 am CEST which is when I’ll send everything to the partner facilitators. Anything after that will wait for the second round.
Thank you!


Can anybody confirm the meaning of the acronym ESP?

  • ESPs and government policies should guarantee equitable quality education for all.
  • ESPs should be gender-responsive, disability-inclusive, and ensure equitable access.

Thanks in advance

Hi Geraldine,

The only thing I found that could match ESP is Education Sector Planning:

To be confirmed.


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@Ambraluna for your kind reference.
Thank you!

Thank you both, I’ve just sent a message to the partner.



  • For “advocacy” I prefer to continue using “abogacía” or “incidencia política” (depending in the context), as “apoyo” has a broader meaning and not exactly the same. Apoyo is more related to “support”. I hope this make sense

Hello everybody,

Several segments do not appear in the previews (source or target)

(eg: these 4 segments

  • non-discrimination/discrimination
  • discrimination/non-discrimination
  • equal access:discrimination and
  • exclusion)

There are several similar series throughout the document. Are they comments? keywords?


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Hi Geraldine,

I have several of these too - I have assumed they are references for glossary entries, so I have translated them maintaining the odd formatting (no spaces, etc.) in case it is necessary for entry search.

As above, to be confirmed? (and I also believe that ESP is Education Sector Planning, as per the INEE glossary)

Kind regards,

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Thanks Sara,

That’s what I started doing until I found several segments with truncated words
eg: training:of teachers/other education personnel:in inclusiveness;inclu
I also realized that they are many of these segments.

Regarding the definition of ESP, I was hoping someone found the exact definition in their document, so I wouldn’t just “assume”.


Hi Sara and Geraldine,

I have many segments that do not appear in the previews, with truncated words and strange formatting.

As for the meaning of ESP, this is one of my segments:

“A community-based education action plan should build on the education sector plan (ESP), if there is one.” (p.48 of the original document).

Hoping that helps,


Good morning,

Not sure about the truncated words. As for ESP, I have this in page 132 - “The key document at the national level is the education sector plan (ESP)”.

Hope it helps!


  • Center equity in EiE= إعطاء الأولوية لتحقيق الإنصاف في التعليم خلال حالات الطوارئ
  • UNHCR = المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين
  • Save the Children = مؤسسة إنقاذ الطفل (ref: 2)
  • Community participation = المشاركة المجتمعية
  • foundational standards = المعايير التأسيسيّة
  • do not harm = مبدأ ’’عدم الإضرار‘‘ (in this context)
  • the same word is used for group and cluster I suggest to change cluster to مجمّعات which is a group of groups
  • If refers to Education Cluster then often translated to " مجموعة التعليم" ?


  • Education Sector Planning = Planification du secteur éducation


  • ESP is Education sector plan

@Shams @Hiba @BABIKER @fadiayaghmour @riham.elraei77 @ALHAMESRAMI @kinanahamady @shimaasamir664
The Arabic facilitator was wondering if you could give him your opinion about the following:
As I review the INEE Strategic Framework, I’ve noticed several literal translations that may not fit or fully convey the intended message. For instance:

  • Line 65: “thread woven” is translated literally as “الخيط المنسوج.” Perhaps a more contextually appropriate translation is needed. Do you have any suggestions?
  • “mixed methods data” is translated as “ن بيانات الأساليب المختلط.” This might require adjustment for clarity. What do you think would be a more appropriate translation?
  • The literal translation of “ecosystem” as “النظام البيئي” doesn’t convey the intended meaning, especially in the context of data and evidence. Consider using “أنظمة البيانات والأدلة” for a more accurate representation, Could you please check with your linguists’ team on this?
  • Lastly, regarding “uptake,” which is often translated as “استيعاب,” I’m not entirely sure this conveys the right message. “اعتماد” might be a better fit. Could you please check with your linguists’ team on this?

Thank you very much in advance and once we get to a satisfactory solution that the partner approves I’ll add them all to the termbase.

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@Geraldine.Solignac @Sara thank you very much for flagging this. These elements are hidden in the source file, because they shouldn’t in theory be translated, as they are part of the index. I had noticed this issue and the tech team is looking into the situation. Please leave them translated or in English, depending on what your original choice word and we’ll adjust it on our end before delivery.

Ambra Luna

Hello all,

I have a question of my own now (EN>SP), regarding the term EMIS (Education Management and Information System). I have two different options and I am not sure which one to use:

  • Sistema de gestión de la información de educación, in the TB

  • Sistema de información sobre la gestión de la educación, in the INEE glossary online

Also, should I keep the acronym in English in this case to avoid further confusion?

Thanks in advance!

@Sara shared with the partner, thank you!

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I do not have any of these words or expressions in my batch so I can give you my take on this.

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thank you @Ambraluna I’m still waiting for (Monitoring, Do no harm)

@Shams do no harm is listed above