INEE translation - Queries

1- regarding الخيط المنسوج can you share a screen shot? I’m, looking and I cant find the context in the following link :
2- mixed method data بيانات الأساليب المختلطة given that mixed is a “modifier” for “method”
3- it is okay to use بيئة or نظام بيئي, we used to say بيئة ويندوز and بيئة لينوكس in the old days so it is familiar and understandable.
4 uptake: same as no.1

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thank you @Ambraluna

Found uptake: yes اعتماد or تبني is better than استيعاب if this is your context:

Still can’t find that (thread woven)

Hi @Ambraluna
Thank you for sharing the queries!

I will need a context for the “thread woven” phrase/term, please as I don’t have access to the tasks yet.

As for “mixed methods data,” it can be “البيانات المجمعة بطريقة الأبحاث المختلطة.”

As far as I understand “data ecosystem,” I think it can be translated as “شبكة جمع البيانات وتحليلها ومشاركتها” – though it’s a little bit long. On the other hand, as literal as “النظام البيئي” is, it’s in common usage.

I will need a context for “uptake” too please.

Thank you!


In the French TB, “Education Sector Plan” (ESP) is “Plan sectoriel d’éducation” not “Plan du secteur éducation” (as suggested in your message, Education Sector Planning = Planification du secteur éducation). This is confirmed by the EIE glossary (
So, should we use “Plan du secteur éducation” or “Plan sectoriel d’éducation”?

@Hiba and @Shams I’ll retrieve the context and send it ASAP

@Aude1 the term “Planification du secteur éducation” was confirmed directly by the SME on the partner’s end, I’d proceed with that, if it’s not a problem.

Thank you,
Ambra Luna


@Hiba @Shams thanks for the patience, here you go:

Hope this is what you were looking for

Team, also a quick announcement that I’ll be on PTO from August 26 to August 30 and will be back on September 2. During this time, my colleague @Usman will be kindly covering for me, collecting your queries, sharing them with the partner and sending back the replies.
There seems also to be some issues with project completion and segment confirmation. We’ve sent a ticket to Phrase for them to look into it, if we have a reply before your deadlines Usman will share it. Otherwise, fear not we are not facing such issues with the admin account and can update your segments, confirm them and mark the tasks as completed. Thank you all for the kind patience and the amazing support you’re giving us :star2:

Ambra Luna

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Hi @Ambraluna
Thread woven here can be

  • عنصر رئيسي رابط
    Uptake can be اعتماد or تبني sometimes
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Thank you, @Ambraluna for sharing!

I can see a different translation has been offered for the “thread woven” and I like it.
I can offer a different translation too: السمة المميزة

As for “uptake,” I think “اعتماد” would be a suitable translation.


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Hi! I have a quick question before I submit my EN-PT translation:

How should the word “cluster” be translated? We use the English word quite regularly in Portuguese and the “Minimum Standards for Education” document that is on the drive you sent us also uses the word “cluster” in the PT translation. However, in the TB “education cluster” is translated as “grupo de coordenação de educação”, which means that “cluster” was translated as “grupo de coordenação”. So my question is: what is the preferred way to translate “cluster”- “grupo de coordenação” or “cluster”?

Thank you for your patience!

Best wishes :slight_smile:

I have a problem with some segments.
Everytime I try to save them, I get this message:
“Failed to save segment #… due to an internal error”

These segments can’t be saved, So I can’t “complete” the task.
what to do?


Same error message here with several segments.
Once one of these messages appears, I have to force reload and all modifications are lost.


Same here for fr-FR, my translation is ready, except one segment cannot be saved and I cannot complete the project.

Hello all, @Ambraluna @Usman

I have 8 (or more) of these segments that cannot be saved, generating and error and forcing me to reload. It took me a while to find a way to continue working around the issue, but it’s really hard to run a QA.
Not only it’s time consuming, but I can never be sure what has been saved or not when I have to reload without saving.
With this issue I am unable to deliver on time.

Hello all,

I am having the same issue, unable to complete the task…

Hi all,

Sonia, English to Spanish translator.

I’ve managed to complete the task in Phrase, hopefully all the content and updates after QA got saved, since I also got the same Error messages most of you describe.

I’ll be pasting my queries/notes below, for them to be passed on to the language experts/partner:

  • ‘standards’ translated as ‘normas’ (this decision is based on the majority of TB results and on the INEE page) despite the fact that it was advised to use ‘estándares’. Happy to edit it afterwards if needed.
  • ‘MoE’ translated as ‘Ministerio de Educación’
  • ‘co-lead’ translated as ‘codirector’
  • ‘IDPs’ translated as ‘desplazados internos’
  • ‘Figure’ translated as ‘Figura’ but not sure if ‘Gráfico’ would be preferred. There is a mix of both in the TM matches.
  • ‘Centrality of Protection’ translated as ‘Importancia de la protección’
  • national education management information system (EMIS) = sistema nacional de información de gestión educativa (EMIS). Term Base is incorrect. My choice is based on UNESCO’s site.
  • Cluster System, Education Cluster, etc. (all instances with ‘cluster’). I was advised to use ‘cluster’ for Spanish. However, I’ve added the diacritical mark. The term ‘clúster’ has been accepted by RAE and adapted to our language with the accent on “u”.

I am happy to receive feedback or cooperate further on the project if needed.

Hope you have a lovely week ahead.


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Dear @Ambraluna and @Usman,

As some other translators, I was not able to mark the translation as complete, but I did complete my task. Some segments cannot be saved due to an internal error…
I am not available tomorrow so I hope you’d be able to “force” the completion of the task for me!

Please note that I left some segments empty on purpose, as we discussed on this forum (because they were keywords that do not appear on the preview and have odd formatting).

Best regards,

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Hi @beatrizamsousa, thanks for your question. Let me check with the partner and get back to you.