Witness Change — Volunteer Roles


Dear all :heartbeat:

Thank you for your interest in supporting Witness Change. :innocent:

Sorry :worried: if it was a long time since your original contact with us. We are now producing our most ambitious project to date and need people like you to assist. :busts_in_silhouette:

Below are some of the most urgent roles we need filling and how to apply. Don’t worry if none these are a fit, there are going to be more opportunities in the coming weeks and months. :star_struck:

If you know anyone :thinking: who might be suitable for any of these roles, please share it with them. :incoming_envelope: We’ve created a website page so that it is easily sharable to your network. :earth_americas:

:heavy_check_mark: SOCIAL MEDIA SUPERVISOR :iphone:

You will be closely working with the Head of Social Media to support in executing the Social Media Strategy. Your role will be to:

  • Oversee all volunteer social media editors
  • Troubleshoot editorial issues with volunteers
  • Support with copy editing social media posts
  • Final check on all content scheduled on Hootsuite (once editors have scheduled)
  • Support with training schedules
  • Ensure all channels have sufficient editorial cover
  • 4 to 5 hours per week (+ extra hours on launch day/ week)

:warning: Minimum qualifications:

  • 2-3 years digital communications experience
  • Demonstrated ability to edit concise copy
  • Management or supervisory experience a must

:heavy_check_mark: SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR - TWITTER :baby_chick:

You will be closely working with Social Media Manager. Your role will be to:

  • Manage editorial for Twitter account
  • Write/ edit/ tweak posts from story content linking to the website
  • Schedule tweets using Hootsuite (or other tbc)
  • Monitor Twitter account, respond to comments, like and retweet relevant content from partners and other relevant accounts
  • 4 to 5 hours per week (+ extra hours on launch day/ week)

:warning: Minimum qualifications:

  • 1-2 years experience in a social media editorial role
  • Demonstrated ability to edit concise copy
  • Experience using Twitter studio
  • Experience using Hootsuite a plus

:heavy_check_mark: SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR - INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK :computer:

You will be closely working with the Head of Social Media to support in executing the Social Media Strategy. Your role will be to:

  • Manage editorial production for Instagram and Facebook accounts
  • Schedule posts (on Hootsuite or other tbc) using 1000 character stories and photos developed by storytellers
  • Schedule video (IGTV and Reels in platform and feed video on Hootsuite or other tbc)
  • Write/ design/ post IG/FB stories (x2 per week)
  • Monitor accounts and respond to comments
  • 4 to 5 hours per week (+ extra hours on launch day/ week)

Note: content from Instagram will be replicated on Facebook.

:warning: Minimum qualifications:

  • 1-2 years experience in a social media editorial role
  • Demonstrated ability to edit concise copy
  • Experience using Twitter studio
  • Experience using Hootsuite a plus

:heavy_check_mark: COMMUNITY MANAGERS - FACEBOOK GROUP :speaking_head:

You will be closely working with the Head of Social Media to support in executing the Social Media Strategy. Your role will be to:

  • Manage the project Facebook group
  • Initiate, lead and monitor group conversations relating to our project activism and activities
  • Schedule and monitor Live Q&A’s with refugee storytellers, Robin and others (guest contributors)
  • Develop content ideas with team to engage with and activate group
  • Disseminate social media story “packs” for advocates in the lead up to the launch
  • Update group on 1000 dreams story dissemination progress
  • 4 to 5 hours per week (+ extra hours on launch day/ week)

:warning: Minimum qualifications:

  • 1-2 years experience in a social media editorial role
  • Experience running a Facebook Group
  • Experience moderating social media channels
  • Experience scheduling Live video

:heavy_check_mark: SOCIAL MEDIA AND VIDEO EXPERT - YOUTUBE :film_projector:

You will be closely working with the Head of Social Media and the Video Producer. Your role will be to:

  • Oversee strategic roll out of video products and channel management
  • Schedule video on platform making use of Premiere feature where relevant
  • Post YouTube stories (tweaking content developed for Instagram and Facebook)
  • Initiate, lead and monitor group conversations using the ‘community’ tab
  • 2 hours per week (+ extra hours on launch day/ week)

:warning: Minimum qualifications:

  • 1-2 years experience in a social media editorial role
  • Experience running a YouTube channel
  • Understanding and knowledge of video production
  • Experience scheduling Live video a plus
  • Experience using YouTube studio a plus

:question: HOW TO APPLY:

Please send to amyc@witnesschange.org your resume and a cover letter answering the following questions:

  • Why are you the best candidate for this role?
  • What is the most exciting social media campaign you’ve ever been involved in making happen?
  • What are your 3 favourite social media accounts (except Witness Change!)? And why?
  • In the last week, what is the best post you’ve seen on social media? and why?

:pushpin:Note: Please make sure your cover letter is no longer than one page long



Dear all :heavy_heart_exclamation:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Just two weeks until we launch 1000 Dreams! :sparkles:

:mega: On 18 June the website will go live, the first social media posts will go out and publications will start running 1000 Dreams stories. It’s super exciting! :smiley_cat:

We want to thank you for the amazing contribution :pray: you’ve made to ensure refugee voices are heard :ear:. The easiest way to keep up to date with the launch is to :computer_mouse: join the 1000 Dreams facebook group (and invite your friends and family too :speaking_head:).

:point_right:If you’re not on facebook, set yourself a diary reminder to check out the website on 18 June :alarm_clock:: 1000dreamsproject.com. :balloon:

:sparkles:Thank you :innocent:



Dear friends and associates :sparkling_heart:

:sparkles: We need your help today! It’s an easy ask: go here and share this refugee story!

For the past year, we have been working tirelessly on our newest project, 1000 Dreams and the results are stunning! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Refugee stories have always been told by outsiders. They have often been toxic or paternalistic. :confused:

:heartpulse:1000 Dreams counters prevailing narratives by supporting refugees to tell their own stories :speaking_head: - their strengths, their challenges, their dreams - for themselves. :calendar: Over the last year, the Witness Change team led by Robin Hammond, has led a series of Storytelling workshops to train & mentor 40 refugees around Europe to document stories of the refugee experience :earth_africa:

:framed_picture: Every picture & interview in this project was done by a refugee :peace_symbol:

:loudspeaker: Now the project has launched and with your help, we will bring it to the world! Our goal is 1000 shares on social media. :computer: Visit our Facebook, our Twitter, our Instagram & share, retweet, post an Instagram story :calling:. Or even better, share the story on your own account :heavy_heart_exclamation:

By clicking here :computer_mouse:, you can download one of the stories and share it on your own Instagram account with the hashtag #1000Dreams. Join our movement :revolving_hearts:

:boom:And of course follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter to see every story shared :thought_balloon:

Thank you for supporting the work of these refugee storytellers to be seen and read :innocent:. You are helping change the story :muscle:


:pushpin:P.S. Do you know others who will support refugee storytellers today? Forward them this message & encourage them to be advocates as well.


I am arabic translator and I want to contribute at your org

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Hi @Imen3

Thanks for your interest in this project :raised_hands:

I’m pinning @serhanb who’ll be able to provide you with more information about how you can get involved :+1:

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:sparkles: First of all, thanks for keeping me in the loop @charlotte1

Well, I hope all goes well with you @Imen3 :innocent:. Thank you for reaching out :sparkles:

:point_right: As for your request, I kindly direct you to write an e-mail or contact to Madam Aude Barbera via WhatsApp. :point_down:

:left_speech_bubble: Please contact to Madam Aude Barbera as you may see below:

:email:: aude@witnesschange.org
:telephone_receiver:: +44 (0) 7852138455

Have a nice day ahead!


I volunteered in editing the transcribed interviews and would love to help with the translation if you still need it. Arabic < > English

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Hi @najah.f.ahmed, :wave:

I hope you are doing well.

Sorry for the late reply, I was up to my neck :exploding_head: and anyway I am so happy to hear that you are still willing to help us :innocent:. Having said that I am not being part of Witness Change anymore, therefore I must direct you to visit their website to get information about your request.

Have a lovely day ahead, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks for getting back to me. been trying to contact them via email, but no reply.

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Dear @najah.f.ahmed,

I texted her so when she gets back to me, I will certainly keep you posted through this topic.

Sorry for that again :pensive:

Have a lovely weekend!


thank you very much. I appreciate your help.

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