Why is TWB integrating Phrase TMS as a new translation tool?

Coming soon: a new translation tool for you. :rocket:

TWB uses an online translation environment to connect nonprofit organizations worldwide with a community of language professionals.
Until now, TWB has used the open-source CAT tool Kató TM, based on MateCat, as a translation tool.
Starting from May, TWB will start using a new translation tool called Phrase TMS, which will replace Kató TM.

:grey_question: Why?

Our new translation tool will offer you a number of advantages:

:man_technologist: Easy to use: Phrase TMS has a modern, intuitive interface. It’s a tool that is user-friendly also for those translators without prior experience with CAT tools (Computer Assisted Translation tools).

:globe_with_meridians: More flexibility: With Phrase TMS you can work online, offline, and on your mobile phone. This allows you to contribute to TWB’s mission, even if you don’t have access to computer devices or reliable internet connection.

:left_speech_bubble: More resources: Phrase TMS offers improved resources for terminology management.

:desktop_computer: Use your favorite browser: Phrase TMS is supported on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

:robot: MT friendly: Last but not least, we will be able to integrate Machine Translation (MT) into our processes. This is important as we will be able to build and work with our own machine translation engines for languages of lower distribution that are often overlooked. In addition, we will be able to leverage existing language technology for larger languages so we can become more efficient.


Thank you so much Claudia for your answer about this interesting question!
I feel satisfy and very confident of it now.
