LexiQA Instructions


________________ LexiQA Instructions _________________


There are many factors to consider to deliver quality translation: convey the meaning of the source text accurately, ensure that the translation meets the needs of its target audience, implement the correct terminology consistently, and avoid any spelling or grammatical errors, to name just a few.

One category of tools available to support translators with this task is dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) tools, like lexiQA, which automatically reviews the request and identifies possible errors in the target text across different categories. Linguists perform QA checks to review the possible errors and either fix or ignore them.

The lexiQA Tool

While QA checks are supported in Phrase TMS and you should always perform these as part of the translation or revision process, we may also run such checks in the tool lexiQA. lexiQA is a QA tool with more sensitive checks in certain error classes and a dedicated Editor to check inconsistencies, useful for the review of longer texts and batches of documents translated by several community members.

The objective of the QA check in lexiQA is to address any issues that are missed in translation to achieve a higher degree of fluency and ensure that the translation is accurate, consistent, and technically correct. The objective is not to perform a revision, but to address the automated errors.

There are several situations in which you may perform a QA task in lexiQA:

  1. You have translated or revised a project in Phrase TMS and are running a QA in lexiQA as part of this task.
  2. You have translated or revised a chunk of a project in Phrase TMS and are running a QA in lexiQA across the completed project.
  3. You have not previously worked on a project and are supporting it with a QA check of the project in lexiQA as an additional workflow step.

The Editor

You perform the QA check directly in the lexiQA online Editor, via a link provided by your Project Officer. You can learn how to use the editor in this section of the lexiQA documentation.

  • Click “View this process” under “Toggle checks” to view an animated demonstration of how to navigate the Editor (see the screenshot below).

If you require further support, please reach out to your Project Officer via email, who will be happy to assist!



Your Project Officer will provide:

  1. A link to the lexiQA Editor, where you will perform the main QA check
  2. A link to the inconsistencies Editor in lexiQA
  3. Reference material (as available)
    a. Source files in their original format
    b. Language-specific style guide
    c. Partner-specific guidelines and references
    d. Project-specific instructions and references

If further checks are required in Phrase TMS after completing your QA check, you may then receive a link to a task in Phrase TMS which includes any changes imported from lexiQA.


You will complete the QA check directly in the lexiQA online Editor. On completion of the task, the Project Officer will import the files from lexiQA back into Phrase TMS.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Important: Tags and terminology checks are best handled in Phrase TMS. Make sure to preserve tags correctly in lexiQA, and perform a QA check for terminology in Phrase TMS wherever possible.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the project, source file, and any references or task-specific instructions provided by the Project Officer.
  2. Review the possible errors in the lexiQA Editor. When you open the Editor link, you will see all the segments where there is an issue . Issues are colour-coded according to their class.

Select a target segment to edit it. If the possible error is not a mistake and no changes are needed (a ‘false positive’), select ‘Ignore’. You can ignore all types of this error across the task by selecting ‘Ignore all’. Fix an error by editing the text and selecting ‘Save’. You can fix the error in all places it appears in the task by selecting ‘Fix all’. If you save a change, the segment ID box will turn green:

a. You may prefer to review the errors toggle by toggle (for example, all ‘Punctuation’ errors, then all ‘Numerals’ errors etc.). To work in this way, switch the ‘All Errors’ toggle to off in the Editor header. Turn on the toggles in the Editor one by one and review errors by class:
b. If the file is large and there are many false positives, you may prefer to just fix the ‘real’ errors and simply leave the false positives without selecting ‘Ignore’. Please reach out to the Project Officer to agree on this.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Important: The integration between Phrase TMS and lexiQA can create false positives in the ‘Symbols’ class, where tags are incorrectly identified. The issue is described as ‘placeholder not found in source’ and can be ignored:

  1. If there is more than one file in the QA task, you will see arrows at the bottom of the Editor. Scroll right and repeat the review process for each file.

  2. Once you have reviewed all possible errors in the main Editor, do not yet mark the task as complete. First, open the link provided to the inconsistencies Editor to review any inconsistencies. There are two types of inconsistencies: inconsistencies in the source text, and inconsistencies in the target text.
    a. You should check the target text for any inconsistencies in the source to make sure the target text is correct in all segments. You should ignore and not update any inconsistencies in the source text itself.
    b. To resolve any inconsistencies in the target, select ‘Apply selection’ on the inconsistent segment you are addressing and a popup will appear. Select ‘Edit target text’ and insert the translation you would like to appear across all segments with the same source. By selecting ‘OK’, all segments with the identical source text will be automatically updated with the target translation you have provided.

  3. Return to the lexiQA main Editor and mark the task as complete in the Editor header.
    a. If there are multiple files in the QA task, you must scroll right and mark each page complete. You will not be able to edit segments once the task is marked complete.

  4. Inform the Project Officer via email, with any handover notes. This could include notes about intentional unresolved inconsistencies, problems you are unable to solve, and suggested improvements to the translation that would not be made in lexiQA. They will then import the file back into Phrase TMS. If any further checks or edits are required ahead of downloading the final file, they will provide a further link to a task in Phrase TMS.

Pre-delivery checklist

:ballot_box_with_check: Ignored or fixed errors in all files and classes in the lexiQA Editor
:ballot_box_with_check: Resolved any inconsistencies in the lexiQA inconsistencies Editor
:ballot_box_with_check: Marked the task as complete (each page if multiple files)
:ballot_box_with_check: Reached out to the Project Officer to clarify any open points

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