INEE French revision

@nathalie.bienfait @Ambraluna

Here are the domains and standards listed in the file, and I would like to be sure of the translation:

Domaine 1 : Normes fondamentales pour une intervention de qualité

Norme 1 : Participation

Norme 2 : Coordination des ressources

Norme 3 : Coordination de l’analyse

Norme 4 : Évaluation préliminaire

Norme 5 : Stratégies d’intervention

Norme 6 : Suivi

Norme 7 : Évaluation

Domaine 2 : Accès et environnement d’apprentissage

Norme 8 : Accès égal et équitable

Norme 9 : Protection et bien-être

Norme 10 : Établissements et services

Domaine 3 : Enseignement et apprentissage

Norme 11 : Programmes scolaires

Norme 12 : Processus d’enseignement et apprentissage

Norme 13 : Évaluation des résultats d’apprentissage holistique

Norme 14 : Formation, développement professionnel et appui

Domaine 4 : Personnel enseignant et autre personnel de l’éducation

Norme 15 : Recrutement et sélection

Norme 16 : Conditions de travail

Norme 17 : Appui et supervision

Domaine 5 : Politique éducative

Norme 18 : Formulation des politiques et des lois

Norme 19 : Planification et mise en œuvre

Thanks for your feedback,

Hello Katy

this is what we have so far:
Domaine 1 : Normes fondamentales pour une intervention de qualité
Participation communautaire
Norme 1 : Participation
Norme 2 : Ressources
Norme 3 : Coordination
Norme 4 : Évaluation des besoins
Norme 5 : Stratégies d’intervention
Norme 6 : Suivi
Norme 7 : Évaluation
Domaine 2 : Accès et environnement d’apprentissage
Norme 8 : Accès égal et équitable
Norme 9 : Protection et bien-être
Norme 10 : Installations et services
Domaine 3 : Enseignement et apprentissage
Norme 11 : Programmes scolaires
Norme 12 : Enseignement et processus d’apprentissage
Norme 13 : Évaluation et résultats holistiques de l’apprentissage
Norme 14 : Formation, développement professionnel et soutien
Domaine 4 : Personnel enseignant et autres personnels de l’éducation
Norme 15 : Recrutement et sélection
Norme 16 : Conditions de travail
Norme 17 : Soutien et supervision
Domaine 5 : Politiques éducatives
Norme 18 : Droit et élaboration des politiques
Norme 19 : Planification et mise en œuvre

This will be the first assignement for the Translation Review Group, to approve this list. I will let you know as soon as I can, but for now this is what we have used so far.
Thank you!

Have a great weekend,

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Hello again @Ambraluna, as I have a look at the sheet, I should just pay attention to the coloured one or do you want me to add terms to the missing one? I see most of the French terms are absent?


Hi both

A couple of additional instructions from our terminology officer, to streamline the work:

  • take whatever is in the sheet into consideration, and simply leave the correct ones, no need to add a comment that it is correct

  • remove the wrong terms if the correct term is also there

  • overwrite the wrong with the correct term, no need to add comments

@nathalie.bienfait if you have the time and capacity, the missing ones should also be included.

Also my colleague was wondering what the blue text means. As in, whether they are internal comments between you or if they are for them, as my colleague doesn’t speak French

Ambra Luna

Hi both,

The comments in blue are my comments according to what I found in the document, on the INEE website or on other organizations’ websites. It is for Nathalie to track my comments and findings (to make the difference between our colleague’s comments and mine), and decide on what is best.
I know I commented a lot and not only in blue but also in reply to our colleague.

Nathalie, please let me know if there is something you don’t understand or something unclear in comments.

All the best,

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Thanks Katy, noted!

Ambra Luna

Hello both,

Yes I was a bit confused because there are 2 columns, but it’s just options so the first columns would be the final version? Do you have a deadline for this?
We have been thinking a lot about the gender/sex issue and using of word in french but we see that the use of the word Gender is not the same as it French. We usually refer to the Gender term list of UN Women so I will have a look. We also have receive the recomendation to stick to the guidance note on gender of INEE.

Hello @nathalie.bienfait . No, actually the two columns are because if a term has multiple options when it comes to translations, they need to be entered in separate columns. The final goal is that all the terms in all the columns are correct and can be implemented in Phrase, so once that is done we can consider the termbase finalized. The deadline is as soon as you can, simply because this way Katy can start seeing them in Phrase and it will be easier for her to implement them. We appreciate that these might not be the final ones, we can always adapt those that need to be changed based on your internal discussion, but it would be good to already have a baseline in the next couple of weeks.

Ambra Luna

I have reviewed the list and just left a couple column in orange, those are the ones we will review. Please feel free to use the list as it is for now, and when we have the final decisions I will let you know. Thank you fr your understanding and patience!
Best wishes,

Many thanks Nathalie. :+1:


Thank you both very much! @nathalie.bienfait I see there are still cells in blue and elements in red font. Would you mind deleting everything that has been solved and leave the terms we should add to the termbase in black font with no highlight (except for the ones in orange of course) in column D, E and F. D should contain the main term translation, E and F should contain alternatives (accepted synonyms, acronyms, etc.). Thanks in advance.

Ambra Luna

To @Ambraluna , @nathalie.bienfait
Dear all,

Happy Monday!

Just to let you know that I completed the revision process.
Once the term base has been updated, I will proceed with the proofreading and QA parts.

All the best,

Hello Ambraluna,

Sorry for my late answer, I meant to do it yesterday but I had a terrible migraine. I will do it now, so I don’t mind the column G “note FR terms” ?

Hello Ambraluna, I do see there are a lot fo terms that still needed to be reviewed, I really don’t understand what happen.
I see that the list of Standards in english is not updated and has a lot of mistakes, should I update the French one without taking this into account or, what’s the best way to proceed?

Hi @nathalie.bienfait,

I’m sorry to hear that, I suffer from migraine as well, so I feel you.

I think that the notes were mostly added by Katy, so you can check them to help with the final decision, but once you’re sure about the term, please delete it (unless you want us to add it to the term in the platform, so it shows up to the linguists). If you are undecided on the term, leave it in orange, as you did prior.

Regarding the Standards, translate them based on your knowledge and highlight them in red, we’ll get the English validated first and have them double-checked before adding them. Hope it’s clear.

Ambra Luna

the list has been reviewed, I believed it’s now ok, just a few term in orange that I hope will be reviewed this week with my colleague, but it’s ok to go with those terms for now, thank you very much !

I don’t know why this words were copied!!! Sorry about that

Merci Nathalie :+1:
