INEE French revision

Channel for INEE’s facilitators and TWB’s reviser to chat during the revision and QA process

@nathalie.bienfait @LebrunConsultingServ the floor is yours, make sure to activate the notifications for this topic to “Watching”

Dear Nathalie and Emeline,

Please find below my first request for help and suggestions in the revision process:

Translation of caregivers

I know this term is heavily discussed in the humanitarian community as its translation in other languages doesn’t convey its meaning in English. Translators’ suggestions through the file are the following:

  • Personnes en charge
  • Encadrants / personnes encadrantes
  • Personnes aidantes
  • Proches aidants
  • Gardiens
  • Personnes qui s’occupent de l’enfant/des enfants
  • Tuteurs (no for me as this is the French for guardians)
  • Responsables
  • Aidants
  • Soignants
  • Personnes fournissant des soins
  • Fournisseurs de soins

I will wait for you and/or the reference group to discuss and agree on the term that should be used in French before editing the concerned segments.


ADCAP : Programme de renforcement des capacités en matière d’âge et de handicap


Proposed : Assistance en espèces et en bons. According to The CALP Network, translation of CVA is not literal in French, the correct term is ‘transferts monétaires ™.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hello Katy!

thank you for the follow-up - yes caregiver is a complicated one! I usually use one of the listed word according to the context. I’ve been using “Encadrant” when it was related to school - but I feel it’s more a word from France, then I’ve been using “Personne qui s’occupe des enfants” most of the time adding (les aidants) in order to after use the word “aidants” (even though I’m not very convinced). I have seen this word used lately but as you say we will discuss with the Translation Review Group, I will add it to the list.

And yes for the 2 acronyms this is what we have been using. Thank you!


Dear Ambraluna,

Despite the ‘Try again’ and ‘Reload’ methods applied twice, I am unable to edit nor confirm segment 1466.
Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi @LebrunConsultingServ thanks for flagging it. Can you please let me know the content?

Ambra Luna

Source: 2The23 34Abidjan Principles54 outline governments’ human rights obligations to regulate private involvement in education.
underlined parts: 2The23 and the space between the second 3, Abidjan Principles

Target should be: 2Les23 34Principes d’Abidjan54 définissent les obligations des gouvernements en matière de droits humains en ce qui concerne la réglementation de l’implication du secteur privé dans l’éducation.


@LebrunConsultingServ done, it should be correct now, please let me know.

Ambra Luna

Percfect :+1:

Thanks a lot,


This time I can’t confirm segment 2251. No editing needed.

All the best,

@LebrunConsultingServ done, let me know if it’s ok.

Ambra Luna


Other problematic segment:
2642 can’t be edited nor confirmed.
editing: établissements d’éducation : généralités ; aaa



Ambra Luna

Done and working!
I just saw it.


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@LebrunConsultingServ @nathalie.bienfait hello :smiling_face: I’m reaching out because our terminology officer has finalized the list of new terms to be added and before importing them in Phrase we want to run them through you to make sure they are all correct, but in format and content. You can access it here. A brief explanation:

Colour coding:

  • Pink highlights in the English mean there are some issues (the term’s meaning is not clear, or the EN term does not fully match all of the target languages). There is a very concerning problem with listing the INEE Minimum Standards, which should be Standards 1 to 19, instead there are half a dozen Standard 1s and 2s, and a few 3s and 4s. Some of their names are incorrect, at least not correct as per the 2024 edition. Also, number 12 is missing from the list.

  • Red font in the target languages means the term is suspected to be wrong (not having typos, but conceptually wrong or a literal or incomplete translation); please remove the wrong terms if you agree they are wrong, and replace with the correct one, and add a comment, so we can identify them;

  • Green highlights in the target languages are for terms we considered good, added by our terminologist and revisers.

  • There is an extra column G for notes or questions from our linguist. Please check them and resolve issues.

Please let me know if you might be able to do this by next Tuesday, or if you have another date in mind.

Thanks in advance.
Ambra Luna


I started to take a look at the updated glossary and comments. I will work on it today and bring my own comments where necessary.
As far as the untranslated terms are concerned, I didn’t suggest any translation previously as I thought these terms might be subject to an internal discussion at INEE. But I will check the suggestion made by the TWB Linguist.
Regarding the revision process, more than 4.200 segments are confirmed so far. I will proceed to the proofreading of the file before running the QA. I will then submit some questions and suggestions, and then run the QA once we all agree.

Wishing you all a lovely day ahead.

All the best,

My comments will be in blue in column G.


Thank you Ambraluna and Katy. I need access to the document. I just sent a request.
We did translate the Standards for some publications, so I will have a look and correct it.

Thank you for all your work!
Have a great day,

Hi again,

I completed the revision of the glossary. Once it is updated and final, it will really help me in the proofreading process.

All the best,

Hi both,

Apologies for the delay, access was granted to the both of you!.

Ambra Luna