INEE Arabic revision

Channel for INEE’s facilitator and TWB’s reviser to chat during the revision and QA process

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@Hiba @INEEARA the floor is yours, make sure to activate the notifications for this topic to “Watching”


Thank you, @Ambraluna :heart:


It was nice e-meeting you.

I hope everything is well with you.

I’ve a question, please.

In the Excel term file I’ve received, “preparedness” is “جهوزية” throughout but it’s “تأهب” in “الحد من مخاطر الكوارث - التأهب والتخطيط للطوارئ”

And “Minimum Standards” – in the termbase, it’s “المعايير الدنيا” while in the Excel file, it’s “الحد الأدنى من المعايير”. In other cases, both are used interchangeably. And I’m not sure which to adopt throughout for the sake of consistency.

Please advise.

Thank you!

Hi Hiba

Hope you are well and thank you!

نستخدم "الاستعداد " او “التأهب”

نستخدم: المعايير الدنيا للتعليم


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Thank you, Ayman!


I’d like to use “النازحون داخلياً” for “IDP” & “Internally displaced persons” instead of “التهجير القسري - المهجرون داخليا” or “النازحون” used in the termbase.
I think it’s more direct and accurate.

ِAlso, the official name for “UNICEF” is “منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة” while in the termbase it’s “صندوق الأمم المتحدة الدولي لحالات الطوارئ للأطفال.” I think the former should be used.

Please confirm.

Hello again, @INEEARA
I’ve a few more questions please.

Do you have a preferable translation for “agency” (people’s agency). I prefer فاعلية or UNTERM’s قدرة على التصرف. I see وكالة a lot but it’s a mistranslation.

The same for “humanitarian-development-peacebuilding nexus”
I have النهج الترابطي بين العمل الإنساني والتنمية وبناء السلام
الترابط بين العمل الإنساني والتنمية وبناء السلام
in mind.

For CBOs, do you prefer منظمات أهلية or منظمات مجتمعية?

In the termbase, “teachers unions” is اتحادات المعلمين but I think نقابات is better. What do you think?

Also, in the termbase “domain” is “مجال” but I prefer نطاق, particularly when “domains” & “areas” are used in the same sentence.

Thank you!

Hi Hiba,

Many thanks!

I’ve added the terms to a spreadsheet ( The reason for doing so is to ensure that colleagues at INEE can provide input directly. You’ll notice there are four columns, with the last one titled “Final Agreed Translation.” I’ve already added the terms you requested input on, so please review them. You can always leave comments in the spreadsheet—just tag me (—and/or continue using this platform.

Thank you, @INEEARA

How are you?
Could you please add the following terms to the sheet, for the sake of discussion:

  1. Agency, as in people’s agency: القدرة على التصرف أم الفاعلية
  2. Contextualization: in the termbase, it’s تأطير but I think something like وضع في السياق أو أخذ السياق في الاعتبار would be better
  3. quality education: in the termbase, it’s التعلم النوعي. Shouldn’t it be التعليم النوعي?
  4. Agender: do you have a preferable translation for this term. I would go with عديم الهوية الجنسانية
  5. humanitarian-development coherence: in the termbase, it’s تناسق الإنمائية الإنسانية, but it doesn’t sound right. I would go with a translation used for one of INEE’s documents: التناسق بين العمل الإنساني والتنموي
  6. disability-inclusive: do you have a preferable translation for that? I think شامل للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة could work.
  7. Disability-inclusive education: in the termbase, it’s التعليم الجامع للإعاقة but I don’t think “جامع” works here.
  8. extreme weather events: in the termbase, it’s المناخات بالغة الشدة but I think something like UNTERM’s الظواهر المناخية القصوى could work better.
  9. Standard 4 is Assessment & Standard 7 is Evaluation, and in the termbase both “assessment” and “evaluation” are translated as “تقييم” and I think this can cause a lot of confusion.
    As a side note: throughout, the difference between and translation of both terms are confusing.
  10. implementation: in the termbase, it’s تطبيق but I think تنفيذ is more accurate.
  11. “capacity building” and “capacity development”: in the termbase, both terms have the same translation: تنمية القدرات. I think the former should be بناء القدرات.
  12. needs assessment: تقييم الاحتياجات أم تقويم الحاجات؟
    Also, in the termbase, “joint need assessment” is تقييم while in “needs assessment” it’s تقويم.
  13. household: in the termbase, it’s المعيشية which can’t be right. I suggest either الأسرة or الأسرة المعيشية.
  14. monitoring: I think رصد would work better than رقابة especially with data.
  15. social edits: مراجعات أم تدقيقات اجتماعية؟

Thank you!

Sure thanks Hiba - added (List of terms Arabic - Google Sheets)

can you please provide your gmail email to be able to tag and give you access to add new terms as need?

many thanks Ayman

Thank you! @INEEARA

@Hiba @INEEARA hello :smiling_face: I’m reaching out because our terminology officer has finalized the list of new terms to be added and before importing them in Phrase we want to run them through you to make sure they are all correct, but in format and content. You can access it here. A brief explanation:

Colour coding:

  • Pink highlights in the English mean there are some issues (the term’s meaning is not clear, or the EN term does not fully match all of the target languages). There is a very concerning problem with listing the INEE Minimum Standards, which should be Standards 1 to 19, instead there are half a dozen Standard 1s and 2s, and a few 3s and 4s. Some of their names are incorrect, at least not correct as per the 2024 edition. Also, number 12 is missing from the list.

  • Red font in the target languages means the term is suspected to be wrong (not having typos, but conceptually wrong or a literal or incomplete translation); please remove the wrong terms if you agree they are wrong, and replace with the correct one, and add a comment, so we can identify them;

  • Green highlights in the target languages are for terms we considered good, added by our terminologist and revisers.

Please let me know if you might be able to do this by next Tuesday, or if you have another date in mind.

Thanks in advance.
Ambra Luna

Hello @Ambraluna

How’s everything?
Thank you for the update!

Could you grant me access to the file using my gmail?


Thanks Ambra Luna - can you please grand me access to link? also would it be possible to flag these notes in the INEE Slack channel MS translation. thanks once again!

Hi both,

Apologies for the delay, access was granted to the both of you!.

Ambra Luna

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Hi again. A couple of additional instructions from our terminology officer, to streamline the work:

  • take whatever is in the sheet into consideration, and simply leave the correct ones, no need to add a comment that it is correct

  • remove the wrong terms if the correct term is also there

  • overwrite the wrong with the correct term, no need to add comments

Ambra Luna