How TWB evolved into CLEAR Global

Throughout 2020 we have been busy supporting people to get information in their language, alongside our amazing community.

:boom: As recently announced, TWB is adapting and evolving our overall branding strategy to make the work we do together more impactful :boom:

The Translators without Borders name and brand will remain core to the organisation. TWB will remain a platform for our global community of over 60,000 translators and language speakers in 148 countries :earth_africa:

But…we want to complement TWB with a new brand: CLEAR Global, which will provide a range of language and communication services.

For example…
:bulb: developing downloadable glossaries
:bulb: training field interpreters
:bulb: researching topical language issues
:bulb: advising on communication strategies
:bulb: developing language technology

CLEAR stands for :arrow_right: community, language, engagement, accountability, reach.

We believe that adding CLEAR, whilst also keeping TWB, is a solution towards more inclusive communication.

These changes will not make a huge change to TWB. We presented this branding evolution to the community, and you can see the recorded presentation and Q&A session here :speaking_head: :desktop_computer:

You can also follow CLEAR Global’s journey on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter!