Find and Claim a task on the TWB Platform

Hello, I would like to find out why is not possible to access to a task? Will really appreciate your help.

Hi @jkinzunga and welcome to our community :tada:

I checked your profile and everything looks in order, if you’d like to work on tasks with us, you’ll only need to make sure you follow the correct process to find and claim tasks, you can also refer to our Translator’s Manual to learn more about our workflow :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

It’s worth mentioning that the availability of tasks varies from time to time, I recommend keeping an eye on the homepage and the email notifications you may receive to see the tasks when they become available :innocent:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out :dizzy:

Hi everyone!
I’m a newcomer to TWB and very eager to start translating. Unfortunately, despite my (I believe) having followed every step, it seems I don’t have access to translation tasks even though some tasks involving my language pair seem to have been available these last few days (according to the “topics” posted). My target language (french) doesn’t even appear anymore in the list of TWB’s platform for claiming tasks. I’m puzzled
 Do I just have to wait a few more days until my profile is approved? Or has my profile been dismissed? I would be glad to get some feedback. Thanks a lot and a have a great day :slight_smile: GĂ©raldine

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Hi @fourrier.geraldine

Welcome to TWB and thank you very much for your interest in supporting us.

I am sorry you haven’t had access to tasks recently. I confirm everything is working fine for you and your profile is complete. Please note that everyone is welcome to volunteer with us and we do not dismiss nor approve profiles. Once you have listed your language pair(s) correctly (which you have), you should be able to find the tasks in the language pair when they are available, in your case English to French.
If you don’t find tasks, this is only because no tasks are available at the time you are looking.

In general, the availability of tasks varies from time to time, depending on our partners’ requirements. I recommend regularly checking the homepage and the email notifications you may receive as new tasks can be posted at any minute.

I hope this helps! Please do let me know if you need any further assistance.

All the best,


Hello Chris,
Thanks for your welcome and for taking the time to answer my request, it definitely does help!
Looking forward to contributing!

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Hello, I hope everyone is good!Sorry to bother but I am a new member.

I cannot see any task on my page. I tried but it is not working. May I please ask for an advice? What should I do to start my journey with TWB? thanks a lot in advance!! :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey @fasano.mara , Welcome to our Community, we hope you like it here. There are some instructions at the beginning of this thread on how you can find and claim tasks here on the TWB Platform and I’ll also leave you our Translator’s Toolkit to get you started. :hugs: :confetti_ball:


Any help there no tasks in my home, How can I claim tasks ? 
 I asked for tasks from English to Arabic about health, medicine, etc.

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Hello Basma, thanks for contacting us and for your desire to work on new projects! I moved your question to this thread so you can see what others have asked and answered on this topic.

I checked your profile and everything seems to be working fine. You are subscribed to daily notification, which means you will receive an email every day that there is a task available for English to Arabic. You can also check if there are tasks available for you on the platform - if you are unsure how to check it, please watch this 2-minutes tutorial.

I hope this helps! New tasks in Arabic should be posted later today, so please keep an eye out :eyes:

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Hello all, I read in one of the threads (don’t remember which one, sorry) that in our profile we do not need to specify language variants, and that all projects for the languages in our profile will appear in our home page/email regardless of the variant. I had previously specified UK and US English and Spain and Latam Spanish. I tidied up my profile to only refer to English and Spanish, but I just found a couple of claimable projects with Latam Spanish that did/do not appear on my home page. Did I do or understand something wrong? Many thanks for helping me out!

Thanks for the tutorial.

Hi @Linettefield, in the new configuration, you need to specify your target language variants to see tasks that include them. You can check out section I of our Manual and this thread for further information :slight_smile:

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Hi @Eleonora. Thanks so much for pointing me in the right directions, and sorry I had not spotted the latest guidance. I have now updated my profile. Just one more question, if I may: I received verified status in August last year for EN to ES, but now I see this only shows up in my profile for English to Spanish, and not for English to Spanish, Latin America. My verified status was based on translation feedback, for which 66% related to English to Spanish Latam projects. So should the verified status also apply to that variant? I am not sure if I muddled things up when I last changed my profile. Thanks again!

All done @Linettefield! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much @Eleonora! :blush:

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Hello! I claimed a revision task, which is in my “in progress” task status now, but I can’t see any button to open it in Memsource/Phrase.

What should I do? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Hi @Denise.Stange,

Thanks for claiming this task!

This means that this task is in the translation stage now and you will receive a notification via email once the translation is complete. :slight_smile:

I hope this helps! :sunflower:


Oh, I see!

It did help. Thanks a lot, @Dalia1 :slight_smile:

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Hi, is there any volunteer or paid project to or from Italian? I cannot find any.

Hello Elisa and thank you for your message.

Kindly note that the availability of tasks varies from time to time, depending on our partners’ needs. We recommend regularly checking the homepage - new tasks can be posted in any minute. If you don’t find tasks when you check the homepage, this is only because no tasks are available at the time you are looking. If a language does not appear on the dropdown list, it means that there are no tasks for that language at the moment.

However, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure that everything is in order:

  • Go to the homepage and then click on “profile” on the upper bar. You will have to be logged-in to be able to see your profile.
  • Click on the orange button “edit profile details” on the right.
  • Click on “next” (you don’t need to edit anything on the first page).
  • On the second page, Language and Professional Information, please check that:
  1. You have listed your combinations correctly. For example, if your native language is Italian, and you also speak English, your language combinations should be English (source) to Italian(target).
  2. You have already selected “Daily” to the question How often do you want to receive tasks availability email

Please make sure that the above conditions are met. Once you are ready, you can click on “next”, and then on “complete”. In this way, you will receive a notification every day that a new project for your language combinations is available. Notifications about new projects are sent to many users for the same language and they work on a first-come-first-served basis, so you want to be quick in claiming the task!

Thank you once again for your interest, and do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or comments.


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