Feedback on your translations on the TWB Platform

Hi dear @Aya.Alrifai ,
Seems you are an active member of this community as your name is so familiar to me now :slight_smile:
I cannot wait to receiving your email.
Thanks for your follow up.
Warm Barcelona regards

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Hi @Aya.Alrifai,
I would also be interested in that information - could you send it to me as well, please?
Thank you dearly in advance :slight_smile:

Best wishes and warm regards

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Hi @Melanie.gertheinrich :cherry_blossom:

Of course, I’ll reach out to you soon :blush:


I followed the steps but I did not find anything. the task was my first one and completed from five days.

Hi @yasmenelazab84, congratulations on completing your first task. Please note that providing feedback is not mandatory and although we recommend that our revisers provide feedback to translators, some of them do not.

Thank you again for the work that you are doing to support us!


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Thanks for responding for my question.

I’m not sure this is the best section in which to ask this question, but…
I see one of my translations has been revised & reviewed. Do you know if and how I can see modifications or comments made on my work?

Thanks a lot!


Hello Matthieu, how are you? I moved your comment here so you can check this thread (especially, the first message) and find all the information you need. If you have further questions, we’re happy to answer them!

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Great Ambra, thanks a lot!

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Unfortunately, just as some other volunteers, I have received feedback which I considered unfair. And it was “almost” humiliating…

I did my best to review my work more than twice to find possible mistakes and correct them in advance before submitting the file. However, I received the following feedback: “The translator was not Brazilian. Besides, there were grammar and omission errors”.

Therefore, I downloaded the “complete revised version” to compare with the one I submitted, but I didn’t notice any considerable changes.

So, I would really appreciate receiving another feedback, but a fair and constructive one, because I do not see how contesting my nationality helps to improve my work quality.

Could someone please help me to clarify this situation? :disappointed_relieved:

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Hey @JeSantos , so sorry for this. Kindly write to us at with all the details and we shall look into it :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your reply and help @MegNyakwakaTWB! I will email you. :smiley:

Hello everyone,
I was thinking if it’s normal to not reach any feedback since the beginning, and I’m curious if there is anything I can do.
Thanks in advance.

Hello @bihteryolsever,

However much we encourage our community (mostly those working on revision tasks) to provide feedback some of them don’t, there are some volunteers who regularly provide feedback but there are also those that do not.

That said, we are also working on some ideas to improve this and we are open to suggestions from the community. How do you think we can improve this?

Best regards,

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Hello Chris,

I thought it could be a technical error or something like that because I translated 13,000 words without any feedback. I’m just surprised.

I know how TWB encourages their people, and I like many details about it. I believe in all these people who are trying and contributing.
Perhaps an informational mail to all translators, including volunteers, about the importance of providing feedback and how progressive it is for a non-professional translator would be helpful. (Of course, I’m not sure of its effectiveness, but it’s just an idea.)

Thanks for the support.

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Hello @bihteryolsever, thank you very much for this suggestion. We have definitely taken note, and we shall consider it. Thanks again @bihteryolsever!

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following this debate i would like to ask for reviewers and translators in TWB ( new and experienced) what do you consider "accuracy " in twb?

*because it looks identical to the original text (even when not natural necessarily )?
*because it looks perhaps not 100% accurate but super natural and smooth?

i ask this because PERSONALLY I THINK ACCURACY IS SUBJECTIVE so it would interesting to know how TWB reviewers and translators see this subject

and one last extra question : according to you accuracy should depend more on the client needs or the translator suggestions?

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Experienced translator and reviewer here:

  1. It is impossible for the same person to get the same scores all the time. Yes, there is some subjectivity involved, with some reviewers being more exacting than others, thus giving lower scores, but there is also the personal factor - you, as a translator, do not perform the same in all tasks. Sometimes you will have less time to revise yourself and the wording might sound unnatural, or you don’t spot typos, or you’re tired and don’t notice tricky words, or you are not aware that a certain term used in the source text has a different meaning than its day to day one, a domain-specific meaning.
  2. Accuracy is not subjective and it should only depend on how exactly the information in the source text was conveyed in the target text. According to TWB’s DQF-MQM error typology accuracy errors are “added or omitted information, mistranslated text with changed meaning”. So, if you have the phrase “safeguarding of children” and you translate only “safeguarding”, your translation is inaccurate, because it is missing some information. There is no subjectivity there. You can find more information about how accuracy is assessed here.
  3. This being said, I do agree that not all reviewers are conscientious and fair, and they will not work on their task as thoroughly as they should and they will score the translation at random, most times lowering the scores out of a misunderstood competitiveness.

Hi @charlotte1 and @Paulina ,

I saw that you have previously responded to some other members about task reviews. This discussion thread doesn’t have many recent posts but I wanted to check if either of you could help or refer me to someone about getting an unfair review. I translated an English (language I use everyday) document to my native language and received mostly 1s as the rating. There is no additional feedback (besides the ratings) and when I looked at the revised version, nothing was changed.

Could you please look into this or refer me to someone who can help me regarding this review? I have done multiple translations in the past and this is the first review that is bad, without any additional comments.

I would appreciate all the help.

Hello @matskom15 and thank you for writing to us,

Could you please email us at and we will be happy to investigate the issue further.

Thanks and regards,