TWB's Guide to Phrase TMS


I have claimed a task that involves translating subtitles. The organization has stipulated that each subtitle/segment should not have more than 80 characters in length. Is there a functionality in Memsource that allows us to see the number of characters a segment has in real time? This would be very useful as it would allow me to know if I am exceeding the number of character allowed while I am translating instead of having to count them myself.

Thank you!


Hi @Palvares

That’s a good question indeed :innocent: and yes, there’s something that can help you, all you need to do is to refer to numbers in the lower bar when you translate every segment (Please refer to the changeable number) :1234:

In the instructions of the task, it’s mentioned that:

One subtitle should not have more than 80 characters in total

From the way the source transcription is segmented, I believe that each subtitle = one long source segment, or two short source segments. You still can use your judgment in this

I hope this helps!


Hello @Aya.Alrifai ,

Thank you for pointing this out to me. It is exactly what I was looking for.

All the best,


Hi @Aya.Alrifai and @ClaudiaM ,

I am not sure whether this is the right category for this post or not, but I’d like to ask how is it possible to zoom out the upper part of the Editor, when you accidentally zoom it in.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Have a nice day :sunny:


Hi @Alex9

Thank you for reaching out!

Could you please let me know if you mean that you’d like to see more segments displayed together as the difference between the two screenshots shows?


Hi @Aya.Alrifai,
Thanks for your reply.

It’s just because I zoomed in the part with both source and target language, and all the texts were really big, and I was wondering how does the “zoom out” works in case it’ll happen again.

I hope I explained correctly what had happened :sweat_smile:



Hi @Alex9

I believe that the the upper section can’t be zoomed in or out, unless this was changed in the browser like what appears in the screenshot.

If this is the case, this can be adijusted in the upper bar in the browser, when you claim your next task, you may try it to see if this is what happened :innocent:


This is exactly what happened. I was confirming a segment through a shortcut on my keyboard, and I probably pressed a combination of keys that zoomed in on the text, but than I wasn’t able to put everything back to normal :woman_facepalming:
However, thank you so much for your help :smiley: Now I know what to do in case it happens again, or in case I have this problem again when I will claim my next task.

Have a nice Sunday :sunny:


As you rightly said, it seems that some keys in the keyboard can make this happen, also a specific movement in the touchpad on the lapto can do the same, like when we zoom in an out on moblie phones :thinking: if this happens again, and you couldn’t restore it to the original size, mostly claosing the tab and opening it again can solve the problem :smiley:

Have a great day!



I accepted and have finished translating a task (TWB Platform) but although I have finished it the ‘Complete’ button does not become available to click. All segments are done and there are no discrepancies. Can anyone give me a hand with this please? Thanks, Tim

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Hi Tim! :slight_smile:

Did you run QA? You need to run it and deal with the issues (if there are any) first. Only then the “complete” button will be available.


Hey Denise, guess I wasn’t paying enough attention to the video… thanks for the heads up! Tim


Hi @timksalinger and thank you for reaching out! :dizzy:

As @Denise.Stange rightly said, the task only needed running a QA check, you can refer to this thread to find an explanation on how to do so :innocent:


Hi, I’ve just claimed a task but then I have no button to start the translation in Memsource. And if I click the button “Claimed tasks” there is no tasks available. What should I do?


Hi @MiriamB and thank you for reaching out!

I checked your profile and also can’t see any tasks claimed by you :confused: could you please check if you received an automated email to confirm that you claimed the task? If you didn’t receive this email, mostly another volunteer claimed the same task seconds before you did.

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I checked and I didn’t receive any email actually. Ok, so the task has already been claimed by someone else… thank you so much


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