Hi, I have finished the translation task for “10 2024.12_lesson_shcm_good night’s sleep.docx” from English into Armenian and have done the Quality assurance, but I can’t mark the job as complete.
Dear @marine_har ,
Thank you so much for helping us with this project!
The reason why you are unable to mark the task as Complete is that the QA flags some tag issues. I have marked it Complete on your behalf.
Just in case, you can find more information about tags here.
All the best,
Thank you, dear Giulia.
Hi Giulia!
I have claimed and completed a translation on Phrase, I have done the QA but it won’t let me mark the task as complete, as there are a few segments on the QA that cannot be ignored, but there is nothing wrong with them nor is there something more to be done about it :/. Can you help me please? My task is for War Toys, the 39 241008_Evac_Ops_Master_No_Code.xlsx task. Thank you!
Hello Despina,
Thank you SO much for helping us with this project! I hope you enjoyed the translation
On Phrase we have quality measures in place relating to running the PhraseQA functionality. Basically: if the QA is run but there are some unresolved flags, Phrase will also not allow to mark the task as Complete. The way to solve this case is to solve all the issues flags.
Unfortunately, sometimes the QA flags issues that are not real or do not depend on the translation itself - for example, if the source document has some tag issues. In this case, I will mark the task as Complete on your behalf (which I have done now )
I know this is very frustrating and we are looking for a solution. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
All the best,
Of course! No problem at all! Please let me know if there is any feedback on the translation, I would really appreciate it!
I can not mark job as completed because of locked segments. What to do?
Hello @firas.wa81,
Could you confirm these segments? Speaking under control , you might encounter such issues when some segments are unconfirmed. To (try and) solve this, do a QA (it indicates “unconfirmed segments” amongst other issues).
Hope I helped,