QCRI: Feedback and questions

:question: Any question? Feel free to use this thread to ask anything relevant to this project.


Hi @ClaudiaM,

I hope you are doing well.

I have few questions might be weird but I believe many colleagues will have them too.

What is QCRI project?
How can we join to QCRI team?
Anyone can join to this project or only specific group of members?
Is it flexible to work on this project or there is any kind of commitment? (I’m not referring to deadlines but I’m referring to the number of the tasks.)

I hope they are not too many questions but they could give all interested members an idea about this project. :innocent:

Thanks in advance.

Have a lovely evening. :hibiscus:

Kind regards,

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Hi @Dalia1,

Thanks for reaching out about this project and for your patience with our response. I’ll be supporting this project as project manager, so hope I can help with your questions :slightly_smiling_face:

The QCRI project is a pilot initiative where we are working on annotations of an Arabic Large Language Model. For the time being, we have invited a small number of community members to join a team to work on this project, as this is a pilot initiative to test our workflows and process for annotation. We very much hope to scale the project to a larger project in future, and invite more community members!

Thanks for your continued support and have a lovely rest of your week.



Hi @Polly,

Thanks for all this information. :slight_smile:
All the best to all the team.

Best regards,