Platform Revamp - Design Changes

We are excited to bring you an enhanced look, feel and enjoyable experience as you collaborate for impact. :arrow_down_small: Below are some of the design changes that you may notice from today as you browse through our revamped TWB Platform:

  • Improved Homepage view: This new view of the homepage will allow tasks to be displayed in a smoother and better manner allowing you to see more information about the task, including the task type, the number of tasks in the entire project and more.

  • Claiming Tasks: The process of claiming tasks remains similar to the old platform UI except for the small formatting changes, as seen in this short video(00:30s).

  • New Badge: This revamp brings you a better-looking image copy of the badge that you can share with your network, displaying the current number of words you have donated.

  • Claimed Tasks Section: The Claimed Tasks is now a section of its own directly on the header, allowing you to quickly find the tasks you are working on and more information on available tasks in your language pair(s).

  • Mode: The mode functionality (button on the top left corner of the platform near the username button) will allow you to use the platform in light or dark mode, ensuring a better experience depending on one’s preference.

:hugs: These new changes to the interface were made for you: our amazing community, and we would love to hear your feedback. You can post it directly under this thread or contact us at

For more information and a demonstration of key features improved by this platform revamp, please take 2 minutes and watch this short video. :clapper:


Hi, I saw this new look from yesterday but at the same time couldn’t log in successfully since then. It keeps asking to reset password without really leading to the platform.
(I did click to reset password, then a link sent to my email to confirm it, I changed and confirmed the new password, then everything repeats in cycle whenever I tried to log in).
Could you please assist with this? Many thanks.


Hi @phanttran ! Thanks for reaching out. We are aware of the bug and we’re working on a fix :slight_smile: For now, do you think you could try to:

  1. Go to the TWB Platform and click on Login
  2. Fill out your username and password
  3. Instead of tapping “Enter” on your keyboard to login, click on the login button with your mouse.

This should solve the issue :slight_smile:


yes, I could access it now. Thank you!