How to find available tasks?

Not sure how to find available tasks for your language combinations? All info here! :arrow_down:

:clipboard: Make sure you updated your language combinations and completed your translator profile

:video_camera: Have a look at our video tutorial and FAQs on how to find and claim tasks in the TWB Platform.

:face_with_monocle: If your language is not listed as a source/target language on the TWB Platform homepage, this means that there are currently no available tasks for your language.

:bulb: To make sure you don’t miss any available projects, sign up to email notifications.


Hello ambra! I am a greek native speaker and I would like to translate english texts into greek.Please let me know if there is any text available for me.


Hello @Charalampia and welcome in the team! It seems that at the moment there are no available translations for that language combinations. This is how you can check all the available tasks:
And also some other useful links:
This is how you can get access to more tasks and projects:
I am here if you have any questions :slight_smile:


Since I registered Received no available task to translate.
Thanks to take my request into consideration.

Hi @Urielle_Dora, and welcome! You can find instructions on finding and claiming tasks here. We also have a video tutorial that may be helpful :slight_smile:

For other tips to get familiar with TWB Platform, I recommend checking out our Welcome Pack. And, of course, we are available to answer questions anytime!

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@Esraa5 Read that!

Hello everyone! My name is Pepy and I am from Greece. I have just joined the community and I am trying to find tasks from English or French to Greek but I cannot find anything and I am afraid of doing something wrong! Any ideas? Thanks!

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Welcome Pepy,
Very soon you will get an answer on your question.

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Hello Pepy and welcome to the community! :cherry_blossom:

To find and claim a task, take a look at these video tutorial and FAQs. However, I don’t see that Greek is available in the target language drop list, which means that there are no available tasks into this language for the moment. But you can still visit your home page another time to see if new tasks are uploaded. You can also turn on the email notifications for the task stream from your profile.

If you would like to have access to more tasks, I would recommend that you take a test to become a verified translator. Take a look at this thread: How to become a Kató Verified Translator?

Hope this helps! :dizzy:


Ok! Thank you for your answer!

Thanks a lot! I will check it! :slight_smile: Of couse you helped me a lot!


Hi @Pepy_S welcome to TWB! I hope the wonderful support from @SalwaAlrifai cleared things up for you, but do let us know if you have any further questions :star2:


Hi Joanna! :slight_smile: Yes @SalwaAlrifai helped me a lot! I just took the test in so I have to wait for some weeks to get the results and then it will be easier to find tasks, I guess! Thanks a lot!


Hi! Everyone :wave:t2:
Nice to meet u all
Need some guidelines, wanna start taking task soon :blush:
Particularly Shuwa Arabic and Hausa
Thank you
Al-amin Abba

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Hi @Al-amin_Abba,
here you can find all the information about how to find available tasks.
Have a nice rest of the day/night

Hi! Everyone :wave:t2:
Nice to meet u all
Need some guidelines, wanna start taking task soon :blush:
Particularly Shuwa Arabic and Hausa
Thank you
Al-amin Abba

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Hi @Al-amin_Abba, thanks for your message!

I moved it to this thread where at the top of the page you can find useful information and video tutorial on how to find and claim tasks :sunny:

I hope it helps, but let us know if you have any questions :blush:

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I hope you all are doing well! :slight_smile:

I’m searching in the home page about Arabic to English tasks and I can’t find them.
I said maybe the problem that I’m not a Kato verified translator in Arabic to English (I made the test and waiting the result) but I found out that Arabic is not exist in the list for source languages. It’s just exist in the list of the target languages.

Is this mean that there are no tasks from Arabic to English at all?
But if there is a test in this language combination this mean that you have tasks on it! :grinning: :grinning:

There is something unclear to me!

Thanks in advance for your explanation! :heart_eyes:

Kind regards,


Hi @Dalia1,
Thank you for reaching out. No need to worry. You cannot find Arabic as a source language because there are no available tasks in this combination at the moment.
Have a nice day!


Hi @Dalia1, thanks a lot for your message, I moved it to this thread which I believe you can find useful :blush:

As the kind @faretto5 mentioned, if you don’t see the language you would like to work on in the drop-down menus, it means that at the moment there are no available tasks in that language combination.

However, as you know we post new tasks all the time, so keep an eye out on our homepage :eyes:

Thanks a lot for your support, Dalia! Have a lovely week ahead :tulip: :sunny: