Epilepsy Imitators

Partner: International League Against Epilepsy. URL: //trommons.org/project/10076/view Information on Epilepsy Imitators

Hi! I had been assigned the proofreading of this doc and I had started working on it. Now I have just opened it and I have seen it is all revised, marked in green. Have another proofreader done it? If it is so, please revoke it from my “claimed tasks”
Thanks and best regards … pat

Hi ! May I know what I have to do with this revision which I was working on and then found it was all marked in green?

Thanks a lot … pat

Now am reviewing this task, but I cannot find the link to the Katò reviewing tool. Could someone help me please?

Hello, I have just finished reviewing this task. Ever since I started the revision the task appeared as “100% approved” with the progression bar all in green, which I believe has been happening with this translation, following the previous comments. I therefore, uploaded the reviewed file in hopes that you get the revised file and not confuse it with a previous version due to this rather unusual error from the TM. I am trying to avoid further difficulties with this project. Please let me know if you need anything else from this end. I would be happy to help.

Hi @patriciacassoni and @Olivia2 Sorry, I did not see your messages earlier.

I saw that the revision task has been marked completed so I had assumed Patricia had completed it because technicially only the person assigned the task has the link to work on Kato TM.

Then, we received feedback from the translator disagreeing with the revision. In such cases, we would seek a 2nd reviser as an arbiter which @Olivia2 has kindly accepted to help.

Patricia, may I confirm you did not complete the 1st revision?

Olivia, do you mean you have uploaded the file without copying from Kato TM?

Hi Miriam ! This subject is from the beginning of last month !!! I am really sorry that you have not see the messages about that … I asked what to do as the doc appeared all in green. I DID NOT DO IT, just a brief part of the beginning … I did not want to do a job that was already revised … and as I had no reply to my questions, I thought it was a closed job and that a misunderstanding had occurred…
Anyway, I wanted to confirm that I have not revised the doc.

cheers and kind regards … pat

Yes. However, it is all in the TM and I did finish it there, so I think it was done somehow --sorry, I still don’t know so well how it works but after I had uploaded it and was about to look for the “copy to TM” button, there appeared a message saying that I had already delivered the task, so I preferred to let you know that the revised file was there and that the progression bar did not work automatically, but was always in green throughout the work.
If you need anything else from this end, please let me know. I hope this is OK.

Hi Olivia !

I understand that you did the revision even if it was green …

Facing the same situation, I din´t do it.

Would be interesting to know who had done it before we got in contact with the doc …