Do you have a story to tell for International Women’s Day?

:mega: Do you have a story to tell for International Women’s Day? We’re here to listen! :microphone:

:yellow_heart: For this International Women’s Day is on March 8, we would like to feature the voices and stories of our community members. You can contribute in two ways:

  1. Is there a language-related topic would you like to hear about on this day? :bulb: Send us your ideas and suggestions so we can identify a popular topic and create content about it.
  2. Do you have a topic that you would like to present to our international community?
    We are looking for volunteers to contribute to a piece of blog or to present a webinar for our community. :speech_balloon: It’s a new way to gain visibility, get involved in our initiatives, and interact with fellow community members. We kindly ask you to contact us for ideas or suggestions by Monday 21st February. :calendar:

Comment in this thread or message if you have ideas or want to participate. We look forward to hearing from you!


Hi, Yes I’d like to contribute with blog post / webinar. I must better focus my topic still, but I’ll tell you soon.

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That’s great to hear, Anna! We look forward to hearing which topic you would like to bring. You can add another message here or send me an email at

Hello, I would like so much to contribute to blog, but I was not clear if we only have to tell a story related to the topic or even another kind of blog content.

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I will also contribute with you and I am in Afghanistan,
You know that the women has alot to say but the can’t.
Let’s be the voice of voiceless


Hello Kate, thank you so much for your interest in working with us for International Women’s Day. We are currently gathering ideas from our community and seeing how we can link them with our work and mission.

We are happy to be flexible and listen to the topics that our community wants to bring to the table. Ideally, it should be something related to language, education, inclusiveness etc. You can suggest one or more topics that you would like to write on and we take it from there.

We have already received several interesting suggestions, so I kindly ask you to send your ideas by Monday 21st. You can contact me at

Thank you, I see you contacted me by email!

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