Desktop Publishing (DTP) for Language Services

:mega: We are pleased to introduce our first online course on Desktop Publishing (DTP)

This is a self-study course meant to introduce community members to DTP in theory and in practice. :mag_right: It is a series of videos and activities meant to help develop awareness of DTP issues and needs. :warning: It aims to build the skills needed to perform basic tasks, identify issues, and perform Linguistic Sign-off. :memo:

The course is now available online :arrow_right: at this link :arrow_left:.

Ideally, this course should be done on a computer with MS Office and Adobe suite or suitable alternatives (These requirements are only needed for doing the activities). :computer: If you are using a smartphone, we recommend rotating your screen to view the course sections in landscape (horizontal) view for optimal resolution. :iphone:

You can go through a topic or module at your own pace, whenever you have spare time. In total, the course should take you about 3 hours to complete. :timer_clock:

You need to manually mark activities as completed to progress through the course. :white_check_mark:

What will I learn? :rocket:

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Develop awareness understanding of DTP.
  • Understand and be able explain the need for DTP.
  • Identify, flag, and possibly resolve basic DTP issues.
  • Perform basic DTP tasks using MS Office or Adobe.
  • Learn how to perform linguistic signoff tasks.

In order to take the course, you will need to follow 3 simple steps:

:pushpin: 1. Access the TWB Learning Center

Make sure you are logged into the TWB Platform and click on β€œTWB Learning Center” in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page. You will be redirected to the TWB Learning Center and automatically logged in.

:pushpin: 2. Enroll in the course:

Once you are logged into the TWB Learning Center, you will be able to enroll in the course.

:pushpin: 3. Complete all sections, take the test, and download your certificate:

Complete all sections and you will be able to download the certificate of completion at the end.

:busts_in_silhouette: Use this thread to introduce yourself and learn about other course participants. You can share a brief introduction and why you want to take this course.


Hi @ClaudiaM and everyone,

Thank you so much for sharing this info about this course.
This is Dalia Noureldeen, EN-AR translator, interpreter and reviewer.

Honestly, I have never thought about DTP and this is the reason for having curious to discover more about it through this course. I believe this course will be very helpful and will add valuable addition to me.

What about the other participants?! :thinking: :wink:

Wish you a great day/ evening!
