Hell @Nao29810, the “Protect yourself” sheet is only locked to prevent adding new columns. You can still add your translation in the last column (that would be after Vietnamese). I will know where it is and will extract it to prepare the infographic. Merci !
Hi it’s been awhile and I forgot to tell you that I have added a new column for Korean back then. Hope it is in good use by now. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help! Merci pour tout.
Hi @Nao29810, sorry for waiting so long with a reply. I have had a lot of work and dozens of e-mails in July, and was away from the computer in August. Your translation has gone online in the meantime, here: http://www.traducmed.fr/upload/Images/COREEN%20Consignes%20à%20donner%20aux%20patients%20pris%20en%20charge%20à%20domicile.pdf
As I am catching up on my long-due replies, I also have a request for you. A pair of CoViB Task Force volunteers has taken the initiative of translating Unesco’s infographics about misinformation into (so far) Romanian and Swedish. They exist in the official Unesco languages already, but more may be needed. Do you think they would be useful in Korean, too? Check them out here and let me know: https://en.unesco.org/covid19/communicationinformationresponse/visualresources
Hello, Suzanne. long time no talk! Thanks for the link It 's really great to see my work having been turned into something useful. And yes, I think it will be great to if there’s a Korean ver since it looks quite informative and useful. Let me know if you need my help! Take care!
Hello @Nao29810, this would be great! I created a project for you with the text of the infographics. Here is the link: TWB Platform
When I have the translation, I will prepare the graphics in GIMP and give you a link to them.
Take care!
Hi, do you know if Tamil translation is completed?
Hi @chennaite70, yes, I see it has been completed. Thank you for reaching out!
Wishing you a happy (and normal, and healthy) 2021
Hi, I couldn’t find a Hindi translation, could you please let me know if it’s required? Thank you
Hi @AkankshaB
I think the Hindi translation is complete for this project. But I’m pinning @suzanne.assenat in case!
Thanks for your interest in this project, Akanksha
Hi @AkankshaB, apologies for not having replied sooner, and thank you for volunteering! I don’t think that Hindi was required on this job, because the translations are aimed at migrant populations in France and, while we do have Tamil speakers among them, there are hardly any Hindi speakers. Thank you very much, though.
I hope that you and your loved ones are going well. A thought for all of your country.
Best regards,
Is this project still active? Is there a need for Indonesian?
Hi @tanyalwade
Thanks for your interest in this project
I’m pinning @suzanne.assenat to answer your question!
Hi @tanyalwade, thank you for reaching out. I believe the project is no longer active. The languages we needed were those of migrants who might have needed COVID information in France, and Indonesian did not seem to be required. But thanks all the same!