Celebrate the International Volunteer Day during TWB's Arabic Language Week!

@ambra how could I get a recorded session for which I didn’t catch?

Hi @hebaelhady4

Thank you for your interst in our webinars :smiley: if you scoll up :arrow_double_up: you’ll find all the recordings of all the previous webinars, hope you enjoy them! :innocent:

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Hi @Aya.Alrifai

I just submitted the translation and it says that I’ll receive an e-mail with the next steps. I didn’t. Would you please look into that?

Kind regards,



Hi @Yosra_Gharbi

The automated email was sent to you about 15 minutes ago, if you can’t find it, I’ll send it to you again in a moment :innocent:

Hi @Aya.Alrifai

It’s all good now. Thank you for your efforts. Very much appreciated!

I did not receive an email.
That means that my score is less than 18?

I want to ask the same question

Hi @BayanAlkhateeb @aseelsaminassar

We haven’t sent all the emails yet, but we’ll notify everyone with their scores soon :innocent:


Hi Ambra,

Thank you for this event.

Congratulations to all the winners :grinning:

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