Cannot access text for revising translation

Hi there,

I just claimed a text to revise - but I cannot access it! If someone could help me access it or tell me where I should be going or send me the link, it would be appreciated! Thank you.

HI, its simple just go to claimed task

. hope it help you. thanks

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Thank you for helping a fellow translator out, Abduljalal! :raised_hands:

Hi Paula, the task you claimed has not been translated yet, hence the problem with accessing it. You will be notified by email when it’s ready for revision. You will be able to access it either by clicking on the link in the email or in your claimed tasks, as mentioned by Abduljalal.

We have threads dedicated to the particular projects to keep the forum tidy and make sure we respond to your queries as quickly as possible. You can learn how to find the dedicated thread in this video tutorial :slight_smile:

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