Basic Translator Training - Parts of courses missing?

Hello, I am taking the Basic Translator Training course but it seems that there are some missing parts. I’ve completed Path 1 Module 1, but then I cannot find any material for the other parts. On the course index there’s supposed to be other 3 modules, I see the titles and can mark them as done but nothing is actually available in those sections. Is it a mistake or are there any missing parts?


Hello @saramarenzoni
Thank you for flagging this.
We are currently in the process of looking into it further and will be getting back to you with an update as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards,


Hello @saramarenzoni,

Thank you so much for your patience as we were trying to get a handle on the issue.

Also, please accept our sincere apologies for not getting back to you earlier.

We want to inform you that we are actively working on resolving the issue, and it should be up and running by mid-February at the latest.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your continued participation in our community.


@ahmad.konainah1 , thank you for looking into this!

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Hello @ahmad.konainah1,

I appreciate this issue has already been flagged, but I am new to TWB and experiencing the same issue as of today. Considering your message said it should be sorted by mid-February at the latest, could you please provide an update?

Many thanks in advance.

Hello @ahmad.konainah1 , any updates about this? You said that the course would be up by mid-February, we are almost at the end of March and nothing changed yet. I don’t mean to rush the process, but at least provide an update on the status of the course for those who’d like to complete it, thanks.

Hi! I’m also new to TWB and got exactly the same problem right now!

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Dear all, we apologize for the long wait and we’re happy to confirm that the missing content has been replaced. We thank you for your patience.