Dealing with Tags in Phrase TMS

Tags represent non-translatable text; some CAT tools refer to them as placeholders. Non-translatable text can represent variables, special formatting, formal names, code, etc.
As tags are used to mark parts of a text with different formatting most of these format changes are obvious. Common tags would be different fonts, font sizes, or colors.

Tags must be copied from source to target to ensure formatting and variables are preserved correctly in the exported target file. Incorrect tagging can lead to improper translations. If missing or incorrect, add tags manually to the target and in as close a position and order as possible when compared to the source text. You can also take a look at the Preview to make sure that the placed tags make the text display accurately and correctly.

There are two types of tags:

  • Paired tags: Represent formatting that spans across a section of text. For instance, a section of text in a segment might have a different font than the rest, or a section of text is highlighted, etc… Paired tags have an opening and a closing. Insert paired tags by selecting the text to be tagged and clicking F8.
  • Unpaired tags: Represent, for instance, a joined segment. Insert unpaired tags by clicking on the spot in the text and clicking F8. Unpaired tags are singular.



Hi @ClaudiaM,

I hope you are doing well!

How can we know the fonts and font sizes for the source text to match the same font sizes in the target?




How can I shade a work, sentence or a paragraph?

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Hi @Hassan_Adam and @Dalia1

Thanks for your questions!

I’m pinning @ClaudiaM and @Manuel who may be able to help you out with these questions :thinking:

Thanks in advance :smiley:


Hi team! How is everyone today? :slight_smile:

@Dalia1, that’s a good question. Memsource should automatically handle font and font sizes. For translator’s convenience, most formatting in the texts we work on is converted into tags, and by placing those tasks correctly you ensure that the formatting is maintained in the target text.

@Hassan_Adam, by shade you mean apply bold? Or maybe italics? You can do that with the buttons B, I and U that you can see in the top-left corner of the image above, under the TWB logo.

If I misunderstood any of your questions, please let me know!



This is very useful, thank you!

I worked on a Chinese-to-English revision recently, and found it almost impossible to maintain the SL tags without making the TL unidiomatic.

I’d like to take a closer look at tags and other features. Is there a tutorial or other resources, apart from the user guide?


Hi @Switzer-Matt

You’re right about the tags, sometimes it will be hard to deal with them in some target languages, we had a discussion about this in this thread, you may find it useful to refer to it :innocent:

If you’d like to learn more about Memsource from a video source, you can see our webinar here :clapper:

I hope this helps!


Excellent, many thanks, @Aya.Alrifai :star_struck:

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Hi All,

do you know how I can change the font color of one word in the sentence? I can’t insert the tag for this one word. In the source sentence there is also no tag, but one word in in different color.

Best regards

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Hi Emilia, and thanks for reaching out!

Actually Memsource doesn’t have the feature of changing the font color in the target text. If a word is highlighted in the source text, this is mostly because it’s included in the term base. I see that you marked your task complete. If you encounter a similar case or have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know :white_flower:

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